Monday, November 24, 2008

TTSOML #222: What CPS Told My Family

When I was back in the U.S., my mother said CPS told them I had broken a bunch of Canada's laws and that I was then violent and harassing everyone in the immigration hearing.

CPS, from the beginning, tried to make me look mentally ill, to clear themselves and to get my own family on THEIR side. My mother kept saying how CPS said I had done all kinds of things in that hearing that I didn't do.

What was true, was that I made several on-the-spot discoveries about who was lying about me, what the lies were, and how this information was jealously being guarded from me, to prevent my discovery, by certain Canadian officials and Washington state officials and "authorities" as well. As a result of finding out about illegal and false statements made about me, I cried, and after I was provoked, I tried to argue on my own behalf, and perhaps at the end, I even talked loudly enough for it to be construed as "yelling".

I had every right to yell, if I did. I had every right and if I did, it was the reasonable response to a continued pattern of harassment and lies against me.

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