Monday, November 24, 2008

TTSOML #224: Canadian Lawyer's Give Good Advice

I have to give credit where credit is due, even if I was the one who brought up the question. I told the attorneys that if I went back to Wenatchee, now that I knew what they were all (the U.S. and Washington state) trying to say about me, I was likely to be involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility and put on meds. The Canadian lawyer I said this to, looked down and then looked at me and said yes, he believed this was true. I told him I wasn't mentally ill and if I was locked up, they would do whatever they wanted, and keep coming up with excuses. He told me then, that it was very likely I would be admitted on an involuntary basis, from what he'd read and been told, and he advised, in the strongest words, that I do NOT go back to Wenatchee without a lawyer by my side.

So I knew what I had to do.

I had to survive on my own, after being thrown out of Canada, with $30 in my pocket.

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