Monday, November 24, 2008

TTSOML #225: Strategy and Mindset After Deportation

I knew what these people wanted. A lot of people in the U.S. wanted to find me mentally ill by professionals, so they could get away with all the crap they pulled--including crimes and illegal harassment of me. If they could pin a diagnosis on me, they would get that. I also knew that if I was thrown into a psych ward, even though I wasn't mentally ill, there would be people willing to lie or go along with a lie. Not only that, I would possibly be subject to medication against my will, which could alter or tamper my ability to speak up about the truth and what was happening. I knew it would be disastrous. Not only that, if they had been able to immediately find me as having "Paranoid Schitzophrenia", I would have lost my son forever. The state would have had grounds to then immediately put my son into an adoptive setting. Paranoid Schitzophrenia is not a treatable illness, or one which permits normal parenting of a child and they would argue this. I would have lost my son, and the false diagnosis would have also covered CPS and the medical doctors in Wenatchee, for wrongfully and unlawfully taking my son. They had no evidence for which to take him before, but if they got that kind of diagnosis, they would, and they would sail through fact finding without any problem or chance of appeal or New Trial.

I did what was in the best interests of my son.

I knew he was traumatized, as I was. But going back to Wenatchee, under these conditions, would not bring me closer to him. They would use it to drive us apart for good, and I wouldn't be allowed to visit him anyway.

I had to establish, in another location, that other people did not believe I was so mentally ill, and I had to be seen in the public eye to disprove the lies against me.
If I worked, or tried to work, it was further evidence there was nothing wrong with me, even if I had physical disabilities, which I had, I was perfectly able to work cooperatively with others on a day-to-day basis, which would shatter their theories.

As a result, to date, instead of being able to claim I was and was found "Paranoid Schitzo" and that I still am, after what I've done since my deportation, the most they can come up with now, is an assumption that I had a "breakdown". Like, a nervous breakdown. They try to claim there is something else going on as well, but they know they're grasping for straws, which is why they still want me to go back to WENATCHEE or to THAT STATE, the same state I have grounds to SUE AGAINST, to get my "psych eval."

I can see right through the horseshit.

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