Friday, November 28, 2008

TTSOML #241: Trying To Get Reasonable Public Defense

After Jeanne was worried about being reported to the Bar, after she had admitted herself that there was a conflict of interest, but only after she'd obtained all my records, she claimed she was mistaken.

There was no mistake. She had just never expected me to find out exactly how bad the "conflict of interest" was, and to put 2 and 2 together. If I'd never found out, how could I have complained about her to the Bar? She thought she could back out at a convenient time, and that I'd never know about the discovery she made for Davis Arneil and Company.

Suddenly, she was claiming she had not been involved with Arneil during the time I was Enemy #1 for the firm's clients. Which wasn't totally true, and it's still true she was displaying prejudice before I discovered her connections, and everyone in Wenatchee knows that town is a small town. Even if she wasn't then working in the Arneil offices, you can be sure she was talking to her former partners and doing favors for them.

She certaintly wasn't doing any favors for me or my case and that's a fact.

So I told Hotchkiss I wanted another public defender. He refused. Hotchkiss said if I wasn't happy with Cassel or Wellbaum, I wouldn't be happy with anyone. I told Hotchkiss that I had a right to "reasonable standards of defense and counsel" and I had not received anything close. As a result, my case, which had been strong from the outset, where I'd had good odds, was a mess by the time Cassel and Wellbaum were through.

Hotchkiss said if I didn't want Wellbaum or Cassel, I would have to find my own private attorney, which he knew I couldn't afford, and he knew my family wasn't helping me financially by that point too.

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