Friday, November 28, 2008

TTSOML #242: Being Ignored By Defenders and the Judge

The Judge told me he would not give me new counsel. I knew I couldn't go pro se. I had been very good, pro se, several years earlier, despite PTSD, against the Catholic church and Willamette lawsuits--I'd done what I could, when my lawyer backed out last minute and I'd done very well for myself, despite everything, and the fact that I was also working PT at a job I created for myself (buying and reselling books) AND getting very good grades doing almost double-time work at college.

But now I had been harassed for too long, and I was contending with injuries which were painful and symptomatic, and the stress of having my son removed from me without cause--not to mention having known my son and I had been tortured and my ability to go pro se having been impaired for all of these reasons.

I couldn't be pro se. I was too tired and stressed out and dealing with disabilities which were physical and directly affected my health. I also couldn't afford a private attorney. I had a RIGHT, according to law, to REASONABLE public defense. Not perfect public defense, but nothing had been done for me and my son which was even close to reasonable.

However, Hotchkiss was the Judge and he said I was on my own if I didn't take back the lawyers. He also told me I had to retract my threats to turn either one of them, Cassel OR Wellbaum, in to the Bar. Judge Hotchkiss demanded I promise NOT to turn them into the Bar.

What a convenient deal, and nice favor too, considering I had asked Cassel to file for this Judge to RECUSE himself and Cassel refused. I told Cassel I wanted the Motion for Recusal filed, based on evidence of prejudice by the Judge and he refused. This Judge was his BUDDY. Judge Hotchkiss and Paul Cassel had worked at the same small private firm together until Hotchkiss was nominated as Judge. They were partners. Cassel was going to do his buddy a favor, and in thanks, Judge Hotchkiss was going to try to protect them.

He never cared about what was happening to my son or my case, or what was fair. All any of these people cared about, was protecting themselves and screwing me over.

When the jails are full, to capacity, the most minor offenders are given early release. Nothing is done when the public defenders are lousy, TRYING to screw you, and are have too many cases to begin with. My case was not criminal. It was civil, but it involved my FAMILY, and I was in such a position mainly because I was poor. I had a right, according to law, to reasonable civil defense, and this was denied. Not only that, I was pressured not to report public defenders for blatantly incompetent or biased work. It is my opinion that if the state cannot provide adequate counsel to families for child dependency cases, they are not in a position to bully families and run them over. They must immediately the children to the parents and dismiss their case until the state can assure adequate defense will be given to the families. Nothing less, is injustice and is an example of abuse of power and discrimination.

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