Saturday, November 29, 2008

TTSOML #245: Before The Chinese Restaurant--Teenage Predator

While I was still in Blaine, before I worked at the oil refinery, I worked at a Chinese restaurant.

I went from housekeeping at Vacation Internationale to getting a job shortly after moving in with The Hedonist.

Actually, the very same day I lost my job at Vacation Internationale, I got hired to start up waitressing. I had gone for a walk and saw they needed help and the woman hired me on the spot and said I could start work the next day.

I was "let go" from housekeeping after my Canadian supervisor, Tamara, left. I think, besides a possible Wenatchee connection, there was something else the manager was possibly concerned about.

Both Tamara and I knew something about him.

I had been ordering something from a deli next-door when I started talking to a cashier who was very pretty. She asked me where I worked and I told her and she asked if s0-and-so was my boss. I said yes, he was and she told me he gave her the creeps. I asked why and she said that even though he knew she was underage, he'd gotten ahold of her facebook or myspace page and was sending her suggestive emails. She said he did the same thing when he talked to her in person, and she didn't know why, because he knew she was too young. She had a boyfriend of her own as well.

I thought this was sort of interesting, and wondered if he was a predator of some kind. I mean, did he just like her, or did he do this with other teenagers too?

I was going to keep it to myself but Tamara was dying to know. I told her, and then she said she knew who it was. She told me it was disturbing to her because she had heard similiar things from other young women--I don't know how--but she did.

So we shared a secret, which, I think, got out, because he was then very rude to me and started gossiping about me to the owner of the deli. It was pretty bizarre because while I had gotten along with the workers there, and they wanted to hang out with me and gave me their phone numbers, the owner, a woman, who was Catholic, had been talking with my manager, and she one day told me I wasn't welcome in the deli anymore. I had been sitting there talking to her husband and he asked what the problem was. He didn't even know. But I had seen the manager guy discussing me with the woman owner and figured something bad was being said about me.

So, it could have been that things ended because of his Wenatchee and Leavenworth contacts, because he was well-known in those very small towns, or it could have been a combination in that he learned some people knew about his attempts to procure sexual favors from teenage girls.

I don't know if Tamara reported it to someone. I didn't tell anyone, except her, until now.

He was either married or in a very long-term relationship and his permanent residence was in Leavenworth. I had actually thought there was something going on between him and Tamara but she said no way. She quit sometime after we had this discussion about him and I was out of a job after she left.

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