Saturday, November 29, 2008

TTSOML #246: Whatcom Doctor

I was fired from my job housekeeping, "banned" from the deli, and had my things thrown out all on the same day. I found a new place to live, with a computer, and found a new job, on my own, within 24 hours.

My new roommate, The Hedonist, was shocked I had a job so fast. He said how did that happen and I told him. He didn't like the idea though and mocked a waitressing job. He said I needed a "real job" and I said I didn't even know that I could physically handle a FT job yet because of physical problems. He said I needed insurance, and everything else.

I noticed, when I got a doctor from the local clinic in Whatcom County, the doctor was the same one he had. I said, "Hey! We have the same doctor!" It was the young new doctor from Canada.

I liked my doctor and thought he was very understanding. He was also completely understanding about helping write me a consent to go on marijuana for migraines. I didn't first ask him about that--I asked him about getting a referral for an OBGYN or ortho guy. Then he asked if there was anything else and I thought I'd ask. He was very agreeable.

Until Wenatchee found out who my doctor was. Then, all of a sudden, his attitude towards me changed. He suddenly didn't want to give me a doctor's note for the consent and when he finally did, after trying to avoid me, he only wrote that he felt I should have further "evaluation" for medicinal marijuana, which wasn't, as he would know, enough for me to be able to take to a state-regulated place like Green Cross and get a legal prescription. So I felt someone was talking to him about me and not saying good things either.

Then too, my release of information kept getting "lost" at this clinic. On multiple occasions.

When I went to the OBGYN in Whatcom County, I knew something was up. People in Wenatchee, and my roommate and my boss at Vacation Internationale, knew I was trying to get diagnostics of injuries and where I was going.

When I met the OBGYN, the only one they had (that narrows things down a bit, on detective work for others), stood there and said why did I want an examination and that she felt it wasn't really necessary.

I thought, how does she know whether it's necessary if she hasn't even checked me? So she spent about 20 minutes trying to convince me to NOT have an exam done by her, which I thought was very odd. I told her I believed it WAS necessary and that I had prolapse and it needed evaluation and that I also wanted a referral to someone regarding my tailbone and bone problems. She examined me, finally, and said I was prolapsed but it was more of a bladder problem than a cystocele. Then, she said she would give me a referral to a specialist who handles urinary matters, but she refused to give me a referral for a bone specialist. Despite the fact I had a broken and displaced tailbone, pelvic fractures, and a herniated disc in my spine--and i told her about ALL these things, she did NOT want me to have access to diagnostics for bones.

Which was very odd. First she didn't even want to do a pelvic exam and argued against doing one for almost a half hour. Who does this?

I then tried to get a referral from my PCP, the same one my roommate went to, and he refused as well and backtracked on his medical marijuana consent. And then my records and releases of information kept disappearing from their offices.

After this, it was clear to me I could not get medical care in Washington State. It was not just Wenatchee. These doctors tried to influence the outcome of my care no matter WHERE I went, throughout the entire state. I had exhausted all remedies and made more than a good faith effort to find medical care in another Washington location, and it was impossible.

Someone didn't want there to be any diagnostics for what happened to the bones in my body, during childbirth. It was evidence of traumatic childbirth and these people didn't want any further evidence to be obtained.

I started working at the Chinese Restaurant and liked it but then I was shot in the butt by an employee. During this time, my roommate kept wanting me to work FT. I don't know, to prove I "could" work FT? Or what?

Then he wanted me to work at the refinery, and after I was shot in the butt, he said I couldn't continue to work there. He said he would get me a job at the refinery so I started working there, but I wasn't able to work FT for long and then I left work because of migraine one day (I was going off and on with marijuana to see if it was really the factor in preventing my migraines).

I don't know who was talking to my doctor. I'd like to say Wenatchee, but it could have been my roommate even. How do I know?

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