Saturday, November 29, 2008

TTSOML #248: Leaving Washington State For Washington D.C.

My roommate knew I was leaving. He wanted to know where I was going. I said maybe Georgia or someplace like that. He thought I should work at this place where he worked as a ranch hand, in Wyoming, at a dude ranch. I figured I'd be stuck out there.

I had made several attempts to get legal help in Washington, to no avail.

My family was a bunch of schmucks.

I had tried to get fair medical care in Washington, to no avail.

My attempts to get Change of Venue were cut off by Wenatchee and I was cut off from visitation of my son. I wasn't even able to see him because they refused to accomodate my medical disabilities which were worsened by travel.

I couldn't go to Wenatchee because I'd be further screwed and would lose my son forever, as I couldn't get care there and they would only try to involuntarily commit me or get one of the psychs they knew to recommend it. I would have no chance.

There was never any "impulsivity" to anything I did. I did research, I made plans, and if plans fell through, I was quick to act to extricate myself from a worse mess.

There was no "instability" in my moving around. I had been forced into this position by CPS, not by my own actions. Wenatchee and other groups were involved and it was out of my control. I only had a choice in how to respond to being forced out of a viable and sustainable position.

People throughout history have been through this before. There are individuals, and if not individuals, groups of people who are pushed out of jobs, medical cre, and justice, through no fault of their own. It happens in other countries and it happens in this country. It happens to lower-class Americans who are quite vulnerable and without resources, and it even happens to upper-class Americans who have disposable income.

Think about Valerie Plame (I wrote to her lawyers to encourage them when I was going through all of own things, when I was still living in Wenatchee).
About FBI woman Colleen.
About other FBI women and in other companies or organizations, who report sexual harassment. Anita Hill. Where is she now? He still got to be Judge.
About Sibel Edmonds.
About Monica Lewinsky (who, it could be argued, was partly at fault but partly victimized too).
About the woman who sat in a chair to protest the Iraq War after her son died. Nothing will replace that son, not even other children.

I'm thinking about all of the women, but there are men too, who know whistleblowing is a sure way to gain instant enemies. And there are groups who are prejudiced against because they are viewed as a threat in some way. Majority Catholics pushed Protestants out of Quebec and they were forced out of jobs and insurance and had to relocate into what is now Toronto. Jews, gypsies, disabled, and others, were pushed out of their homes and countries. Genocide happens, where not just one person is killed, but thousands killed, in wars that have little or no justification.

I could keep my mouth shut, but I think there is a reason I end up getting discovery on so many things. And I choose to talk, in order to push for corrections and justice.

If God gives you a talent, you're supposed to use it. I try to use not only my talents, but what information I'm given, for good. It pisses some people off, but I feel it is what I'm supposed to do.

There has never been any "instability" in my actions. I have been a survivor, despite countless and ongoing attempts to quash me or force me to conform to passivity or else be branded mentally ill.

If I had money, I'd pay for lawyers to help me, like the others do. But even they, often go into debt fighting their way out the trap set for them by those who don't appreciate their "work". Whose fault is it? Is the fault of the one who speaks up about the truth? Or is it the fault of those who attempt to punish truthtellers?

I suppose all whistleblowers could be branded as "narcisstists", for daring to speak up against others, for thinking they are "better" or that others should be "better than that".

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