Saturday, November 29, 2008

TTSOML #249: 18-Wheels And A Bed Of Roses

I've already written about what I did to get to Washington D.C., I believe, so this will be a sparse repetition.

First, caught a ride from fellow townhouse renters to gas station. From gas station to Everett with wonderful Canadian truck driver. From there to Albuquerque, NM with the crazy driver who stole computer information and told me to get help from Catholic Charities. From there, stayed in NM for about 1 week. From there, moved on with former military guy from NM to someplace like Penn or VA or something. From there, a guy bought me a ticket to take a bus to Atlanta, with a stop at D.C.

I will fill in details of where I stayed for that week in NM and what happened, and then I'll move on to how I ended up in D.C. and what enabled me to stay here and why I changed plans about going to Georgia.

I did a lot of sleeping, because on the semi's there were 2 bunks, so I could sleep while they were driving. I couldn't sit very long before needing to lie down on my side. So it was definitely NOT like taking a bus across the country. There was a bed to lie down on almost the whole way, and then, on the bus, I got buses where there were two seats next to eachother so I could lie to the side.

I'll make two separate posts from this: one about NM and one about landing in D.C.

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