Saturday, November 29, 2008

American Justice: Duke University Rape

Here is an example of American Justice:

A group of privileged young men from the East Coast (one who went to the same private school the Thebault's sent their kids to) hire a stripper and rape her. She's black and she reports the crime. The case gets dismissed because the elite parents of the Duke students pay for private attorneys to slander the woman, bringing her race into it, and claiming she'd made similiar claims before, or she was of ill-repute. Having prior claims doesn't mean none of these things happened, it just means it gave others further incentive to abuse her and think they would never get caught. The prosecutor gets punished and is barraged with calls to be fired, for being "over zealous" and not having enough "evidence". My opinion, is that this woman was abused, told the truth, and then was slandered by the money-makers.

Contrast that with the people who have their kids taken away from them, with zero evidence and grounds, and no one yells about an "over zealous" prosecution. No one cares what the motives of those making reports either.

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