Saturday, November 29, 2008

TTSOML #250: Adventures In Cocaine Cock-eye

"Can Judges snort coke?"

(assemble the group of judges in their robes to smile and affirm to the camera: "Oh YES WE CAN!". Judges link arms, spread out across a long table with a huge long line of cocaine down the middle, and bending over, arms still linked, snort the line together, wipe their noses and grab their pommels and drum the table shouting, amidst cheers from dance club groupies in the background: "Order in the COURT!". Lead in prisoners who are chained at the ankle, to wipe down the table like justice bussers. Prosecuting attorney smacks the ass of one Judge, who winks at him and sits down on his lap. The D.A. bends over to kiss the same Judge, who puts her arm around his neck. The other Judges fall about the table, cutting the links off of a couple of prisoners with a "shhh!" sign to their mouths as the prisoner passes them a bag of coke. The other prisoners are told they'll be set free after they understand how to be "cooperative". Judge Warren is mounting an electric horse and swinging a lasso, practicing on how to reel people in like cattle and tie them up. A tax accountant is there, and several trust fund babies, along with a few private business owners and hedge fund execs)

"Can Judges snort coke and dispense proper justice to others?"

(camera catches all members of party in freeze-frame, then suddenly, guns come out of all pockets and they turn them on the camera. "Who brought the WISE GUY?" the female Judge asks. She tazers the attorneys who are holding onto her and makes a run for it. The scene ends in a flash of light.)

I ended up in New Mexico, at a gas station where a young guy in his very early 20s was possibly doig a drug deal by using the gas station phone. He showed up about 30 minutes after I'd been dropped off. I asked him if he would be willing to give me a ride to a truck stop where I could catch a truck going my direction. He said sure, if he could run an errand first.

He was very chatty and said we should hang out. After he heard I smoked weed, and after he did his deal, he took a prescription pill and crushed it up and snorted it in front of me. I had never seen anyone snort anything before. He said he was from a family with money but he ran away because of his step-father. This was the cutter. He said why didn't I "roll" with them, and make up my mind about what I was doing later? He did oxycontins. He thought I was in my early 20s, just a little older than he was and I didn't correct him.

I had been on trucks for awhile and thought maybe I would take a break for a day or two. He took me to his house, where he said his roommate was gone on vacation. She was back already. She was Mexican, smart, pretty, and both of them were an interesting pair.

He was sort of her side-kick, and she could get whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it. They stayed at a stucco house and her college graduation photo was on the wall. She liked me and said I was welcome to stay. They were going out to party that night and wanted me to go with.

This woman was the best driver I've ever been in a car with, but she and her former husband were former race car enthusiasts, and loved driving at the race track. It wasn't her driving that scared the shit out of me, but knowing she was drinking and doing drugs. She could drink a lot though, and maintain an equillibrium.

He could make up stories on the fly, and the funniest stories you've ever heard, in rapid-fire speech, and act out scenes theatrically as well. The two of them would stay up almost all night, talking.

He told me she "rolled with Judges" so she was his total hook-up for everything. And all she had to do was whisper into some guys ear, and get rounds for everyone in her party. I later was told she had a brother in the Mexican mafia who was fairly high up.

The Judges liked her, and they all hung out with lawyers in the area, from the system, because she was fun. One had a huge crush on her and would give her whatever coke she wanted. She had just come back from a vacation with them, which she took with her girlfriend.

Everything was fine with them, until after a few days and they realized I didn't do drugs or even drink like they did, and after the guy found out how old I was. It was "cool" to be with someone who was "22" or "24", not "33". Who didn't do drugs. A 33 year old mom who didn't do drugs. Real fun.

But this is what I learned...

I had already learned from the potheads I stayed with in Birch Bay, how to smoke pot. I figured, in my situation, it might be a good skill to know, if I needed to blend in in certain situations, to be safe or survive. So I did not just try pot. I worked at it until I looked like I knew what I was doing.

By the time I met this group, I at least looked like I knew what I was doing with joints. I just told them I didn't do heavier stuff. Towards the end, when I knew they were getting suspicious, I went ahead and "snorted" a very small amount of a crushed oxycontin so it was maybe about 5 mgs worth. I did it because I'd had it before, for medical reasons, and because I knew it wouldn't hurt me and I could blend in until I got out. I was staying longer because I was trying to get more information about something--about the Judges, but after awhile it wasn't worth it. I was a mom, not an undercover cop, and I wasn't getting paid for my time or sanctioned by anyone either. I learned a little more, though, after I tried snorting the oxy, and he snorted the rest. I hadn't even been that interested in the whole Judge thing, until I heard he'd asked the Mexican woman for sexual favors in return for helping her with rent. He was a predator, and also, a Judge putting other people away for drug crimes while he's doing it? Not okay with me. Not at all.

So they did coke, meth, prescription pills, and a lot of drinking. They did some dealing, and told me they hook me up to deal cocaine, but the younger guy wouldn't allow it. I wanted to see if I could get close to a contact, because the Mexican woman said she'd go with me. The younger guy said no way, they would take one look at me, laugh, take the cocaine and my money, and either kill me or assault me. She was tougher and knew the gang lingo even though she was now a professional, working at a mortgage company.

She did, supposedly, everything, and he did prescription pills and drinking mainly. So I was there and the younger guy was going to get me a job as a waitress, if I'd stayed, but in the end I decided I was going to report what I knew, get out of there, and move on to what my first and most important goal was: getting my son back and going on to the East Coast for diagnostics and other help. I didn't report regular people who did drugs--I was only interested in reporting people in positions of authority who abused their authority.

The two of them had a weird relationship. He said he was just nice to her so he had a place to stay, and he sucked up to her like he was her best gay friend. She drank a ton, but now that I think about it, though I saw her bent over supposedly doing lines, I never actually saw coke going into her nose. I did see her smoke a ton of weed, and her nose was often very red.

Also, after they found out I was this old mommy who didn't do drugs, I wanted to know if they were really doing them, because they were so discreet. So once, after they'd all taken turns in the bathroom, I went in and looked around. The door to the bathroom went into her bedroom. I had heard doors opening. They said they weren't doing anything, but I went into her room and saw, right there, a flat plate, and white residue all over it.

I had never done cocaine and still never have, but I knew it was supposed to numb your tongue. So I licked my forefinger, pressed it into the residue and licked my finger. The tip of my tongue was almost immediately totally numb. It was cocaine.
I had no reason to doubt anything they told me anymore. I did believe they were doing cocaine, and dealing, and knew judges and lawyers who did it regularly, and that her brother was higher up in the Mexican mafia.

I partied with them in that I went out dancing and drank, but that was it. Once or twice I did pot to prevent migraines. I think the younger guy first opened up when I asked him if he knew anyone who had marijuana because I needed a little bit for migraine. No one ever believes it's for migraine. They think it's a cover and that you must be even more discreet and "cool".

So I was "rollin'" with the "big ballers" who "schizzled". Schizzle-dizzle, the younger guy would say. She would turn up the music, rap, to full blast, and we'd all be dancing and singing to it. I always sat in the backseat because I thought the car was just going to just die on one of her crazy corner maneuvers.

She let me wear whatever she had in her closet, and they fed me and were helping me out. When I asked her to slow down with the car, that was did the damage. You just do NOT tell high-rollers who like to drive fast, to "slow down". They said if I couldn't be "cool" I should stay home.

I never did anything with the guy, though I could have. Especially at first, there was a little chemistry, but I didn't want to get involved and then I think he lost interest when he learned I was a 33 year old mom. I also wondered if he was gay because he was really into fashion, and sort of had mannerisms sometimes. But he also showed me photos of his former girlfriend and she was a knock-out. Very, very, pretty girl. They were going to move, but invited me to move with them.

I went to a drug deal. One where I saw all the stuff. It was the first and only one I've ever seen. The guy was at an apartment and I saw the bags of coke and marijuana. He thought I was cool and he liked me. He was from NY. I called my son in the middle of the drug deal, while they were working out arrangements. It just made me feel weird, to be in the middle, and the first thing I thought about was my son. I talked to him for awhile.

Then, I was going to go along until I could get in on a party with the lawyers and Judges, but that would've taken time to gain trust and I wasn't willing to sacrifice other things to do that. I got enough, I thought. I got a name, and though I didn't know for sure it was true, I think it was the right name. I also figured someone else could do the detective work, not me.

She was behind on her utilities bill, and couldn't get the money from her family. So she announced she was going to go where she knew she could get the money, even though she knew she would have to do something sick for it. So she went to the Judges. One of them wanted to be her FT sugardaddy. When she came back, after staying the night, she said she had the money but she was depressed. I asked her what had happened and she didn't want to talk about it. Then she did. The Judge had told her they'd discuss her bill "later" and let her know he wanted her to have sex with him. So she said he wanted to do unnatural things, and did coke, and he wouldn't give her the money until she had performed the sexual favors.

I was angry that the Judge had taken advantage of someone in a vulnerable position and that's when I decided I was reporting him and I was getting the hell out of there.

So I did. I reported them to the Albuquerque FBI field office. Why should I trust the FBI? But I didn't know who else to tell. I wasn't going to give my name but they kept asking and said it wouldn't be very legit without it. I figured telling them my name would only screw things up and that they'd find something in my file and not take me seriously. But they wanted to know how I'd gotten to NM and who I was staying with. I told them, but only to protect THEM. I wasn't reporting the people who I stayed with. I felt the Judges and attorneys were the target. Those were the hypocrites. I didn't do it to get Val in trouble. I did it out of respect for Val. And out of respect for the public who put their faith in these judges and lawyers. Only Alburquerque would know, perhaps, if the right people were held accountable. I gave names so someone could infiltrate if necessary. I am writing about it now because I also think someone should make sure the FBI did their job, because I have no way of knowing and I would hate to find out lower level people were jailed and other people let off. It's been several months, so they enough time to get in and do the work to make a bust if they were going to do anything.

And I got a ride out that night. I left behind some things. When I was making my call to report, there were people around watching me. I had hooked up a laptop and I think someone traced me there. I got the laptop from a guy in Blaine, who, when The Hedonist said it was in the shop, and I didn't have one, offered to let me use his laptop indefinitely instead of having to go to the library. I could tell The Hedonist didn't want me to have it, and when I left, I left with it. By the time I was hooking it up, in NM, the other trucker had stolen all the documents for the laptop.

From a Nm truck stop I ended up with a good guy who took me most of the way and then another guy paid for a bus ticket to D.C. and then I was to go to Georgia. I was going to Georgia because they appeard to have a decent medical system if I had to go on state aid, but I stayed in D.C. after I landed in town and went out to dinner with some Catholic people who had been on the bus with me.

I didn't know where I was staying for the night, and this one Catholic young woman offered her apartment to me for the night. So I went to dinner with all of them, in Chinatown, and then stayed at her place, and then I was on my own. I had about $100 on me. I thought I could stay at a women's shelter in Bethesda and went that direction, but when I got there, they told me it was only for women with children with them.

As I walked back to the bus stop, I talked with several yard maintenance workers who spoke Spanish, and I took names and numbers of those who said their families could put me up temporarily. I was creating my options as I went along. But I wanted to get over to the Naval hospital, where the center for radiation research was. So I kept walking and took a bus to the NIH campus and then walked over to the Navy Hospital, where I met the front guard, who became my roommate, that very night, and we never did a thing either.

I never asked to stay with him. I'll tell you how the offer came up...

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