Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why I Published The Articles

My point in publishing some the last articles, is that this is not the stuff of "sci-fi". It is real technology that is available, and when it ends up in the wrong hands, with someone who has intentions to harm or injure another person, it's not outside the realm of possibility.

I made some people, who have high positions in government, and/or friends with high positions, very angry, and it is entirely possible someone or some group was able to get their hands on whatever it was that caused me and my son harm.

There were enemies and are enemies, who had motive.

I believe I've already established some of the motives. It's not like I was a "nobody" who no one was worried about. I was considered to be a "threat" to reputations and to the financial security of some, and it has already been established that some individuals within FBI, medical professions, clergy, and law enforcement, and even judges, were going out of their way to cover things up regarding what they were doing to me.

It happened, and the description of my and my son's symptoms lines up with some of the effects of technology available today.

If someone directly within the U.S. didn't do it, showing what is available on the market these days shows other countries would have this kind of technology as well.

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