Thursday, December 25, 2008

15th Request to State for Discovery (March 27, 2008)

By this time, the "department" knew I was pro se. I had already requested discovery of visitation notes and I did not get them before the first hearing, as I requested. By this date, I still did not have them. I made a further discovery request, for my son's medical records, and I was ignored. I never got anything, but the judge and the state knew I had a right to discovery and they ignored me:

Copies of My Son's Health Records and Other Appointments‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/27/08 8:43 AM
To: (; (

I have made some contacts this morning, regarding my son. There is a speech therapist who wants to see my son, who is from out of the area and will do it, I believe, even free of charge, from a signing school.

I do not want Wenatchee speech therapists to have any further contact with my son or implement any "programs" or further appointments until my son is seen by an independent speech therapist. There may be more than one who will be coming out, from 2 different organizations.

They are somewhat concerned that a complete history was not taken from me by your "therapists" and that no one is advising an MRI. These people will not be paid by me.

There is also a parent advocacy group which works on behalf of parents and kids regarding disability rights, which may be getting involved.

I am looking into ADA attorneys as well, for my son.

There is a school that teaches signing to babies-3 years old several hours instruction per week, in Washington, which I'm looking into, and then the preschool program is for a full school day.

You cannot rule out brain damage affecting my son's ability to speak, without diagnostics and it's unprofessional to assume anything without this diagnostic, especially given my son's history. I am very concerned that CPS is refusing the same diagnostics that doctors in Wenatchee refused him.

Please let me know if you have called the clinics I've mentioned in order to get emergency and expedited records of my son's injury. If you don't have his records or cannot get them within the next couple of days, let me know and I will dig through my own records and fax them to you.

Do not schedule any appointments for my son without first consulting me and giving me information about the name of the provider and services requested. I also want any and all copies of my son's health charts and records from both the speech therapists in Wenatchee and Dr. Hornbee.

How soon will you be sending my son's health records to me?



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