Thursday, December 25, 2008

Trying to Get Support for Oliver's Medical Needs (March 26, 2008)

This is just some of the email I sent out and doesn't include the hours upon hours that I spent on the phone, trying to get help for my son, which I knew he'd never get in Wenatchee. I write here that he had a brain injury, but I don't know for sure what happened, but it was NOT "psychological". I know my son and no one listened to me when I tried to take him to doctors in Wenatchee. It is clear now, after they refused ME diagnostics after I had injuries from childbirth, now that I have evidence I WAS damaged, Wenatchee people were trying to prevent either ME or MY SON from getting diagnostics which might show evidence of injury or a problem that happened later, caused by a traumatic childbirth. I am told these things show up later in children and can develop over time. And yes, I do believe my son would be harmed by a magnetic pulse and his speech would suffer from this, because if it affected me and COMPUTERS and electronic toys in the house, and the CAT, it affected my son, and I observed things about him:

Mother of Son With Speech Disability‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 3/26/08 9:27 PM

I am the mother of a son with a speech disability. We're in the process of getting diagnostics for him but he suffered a left brain injury at birth. He was fine until about 9 months of age and then his vocabulary (started talking early) disappeared and he cannot speak now. I want to find a sign language school for him because he's frustrated by his inability to communicate. Do you know of one for his age? He is 2 and very bright, just can't articulate. I also want to learn sign language but currently don't have money for your classes. I live in Bellingham area and wonder if you know of scholarship offerings for parents of kids who sign? I want to be bilingual in signing, to keep up with my son.

So, 1., schools in Washington for my son?
2. opportunities for education for me to learn signing?

Thank you,


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