Thursday, December 25, 2008

18th Request to State for Discovery (March 27, 2008)

The state was very well aware that I could make discovery requests by email. It is protocol to copy the defense on any and all discovery the state has obtained which could be used against you or is in regard to me or my son. This was my 18th request to the state to properly copy me on discovery. I did not get any of this discovery at this date, or even MONTHS later, prior to contested sheltercare or fact finding:

RE: Copies of My Son's Health Records and Other Appointments‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/27/08 9:12 AM
To: Caballero, Tomas (ATG) (; Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (
Cc: Sue Baker (

Mr. Caballero,

So many of my requests, are for information about my son and things you have admitted you should
have informed me of. I had a right to know about any specialized appointments with speech therapists. You
gave me zero notice or records of anything.

I have made a discovery request to you, for my son's medical records, which I have a legal right to.

This information is discovery requests, and if you choose not to honor your obligations to give me the
discovery I've requested, you need to let me know. I am obligated to confer with you and make my
reasonable requests for discovery prior to filing any motions.

Finally, as the legal mother who has not had the rights to her son removed, I am entitled to any and
all information about my son's medical appointments, and have the right to be present, and you have
not given me notice of time and date of appointments.

Please respond.



> Subject: RE: Copies of My Son's Health Records and Other Appointments
> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:52:39 -0700
> From: TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV
> To:;
> CC:
> Ms. Garrett, I will no longer be responding to your emails because so
> many of the requests that you make need to be addressed to the court.
> Please address your concerns to the court by proper motion with proper
> notice to all the parties. If you are dissatisfied with the medical
> treatment your son is receiving, you can note up a motion before the
> court on "shortened time", which would dispense for the need for five
> days notice. Although I understand that you have decided to go forward
> pro se while you attempt to retain private counsel, this means that you
> need to pursue your issues before the court in the same manner an
> attorney would bring issues before the court. Ms. Scanlon will continue
> to work to provide Oliver with what she has determined in her
> professional judgment to be in his best interest.
> Regards, Tomas Caballero
> "Print Only If Necessary"
> Assistant Attorney General
> Regional Services Division
> Wenatchee
> 509-664-6385 / fax 509-664-6391
> E-mail:

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