Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wenatchee CASA Has Serious Conflict Of Interest (March 27, 2008)

This is just ONE of the reasons I requested change of venue. Not just so my son could see his mother more regularly. There was conflict of interest in every aspect of this case. The same medical professionals who I threatened to sue, were slandering ME in their medical records and covering up serious damages which they knew I was suing for. Guess who is on the Wenatchee CASA board of directors? The wives of some of these doctors. And here, I have Susan Baker telling me to come back for a psych eval in Wenatchee FIRST and then if it's "normal" (and Wenatchee would make sure it was NOT), then I could be evaluated for seizures. Ha! THIS is why it was very serious for the state to withhold evidence from the court and from me that proved I had damages, because they knew if I could prove that, I could point to motive for the slander by medical professionals throughout my medical charts.

Wenatchee CASAs Conflict of Interest‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/27/08 9:21 AM
Cc: (; (

I see the Chelan Douglas county CASA has several wives of medical professionals from Wenatchee on their Board of Directors.

I was wondering why my son didn't have a decent CASA advocate. Not to mention he was assigned to a guy who was a former attorney in Wenatchee and knows the lawyers in this town.

I would talk to your ADA people, and check what legal advice Mr. Caballero is giving you, against what someone from the big city might have to say. So far, my son's best interests have been ignored, the legal rights of his mother have been ignored, and I am gaining further evidence of an attempt to use CPS in a political advantage against a medical malpractice case and complaints I had against the medical community of Wenatchee.

By the way, Judge Hotchkiss isn't the judge in this case. It has been Jill Wise.

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