Thursday, December 25, 2008

2nd Notice to Cassel I Cannot Open Attachments (May 12, 2008)

RE: Multiple mails‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 5/12/08 10:37 AM
To: Paul Cassel (

I can't open these attachments. It's not possible on this cmoputer and last night the computer was SO slow I could barely do anything.

I'm VERY concerned about this hearing because I can't BE there, for one thing, and we need a CONTINUANCE of at least a week. Can you ask AG for a stipulated continuance or special set? There's no reason we can't do a special set, and I cannot jeopardize getting my son back.

If they win a contested shelter care, they will not only KEEP my son, but DEMAND and ORDER I jump through THEIR HOOPS and have evaluations to frame ME and justify their own actions. I do NOT want this process to be here.

I want change of venue and I still don't know, and haven't heard from you whether I have to request change of venue BEFORE putting forth a response to allegations or not.

We need supporting documents from my doctor for the change of venue. I HAVE records to PROVE I cannot travel over there. Since I've been staying here, I've been able to work and not missed days and I'm not having the excruciating pain. However, I'm not able to see my son at ALL.

I Do NOT want Wenatchee to have any part of this case, and I'd like to know, because I'm sure you've talked to the AG, how hard they want to fight this.

We are NOT ready for contested shelter care. I have character witnesses you haven't inquired about, who can be used to stand before the court and say they observed me and my son interacting well prior to his being taken from me. My son also has medical records from Canada, when we were there, as do I.

Somehow, because of the email problems, which were NOT my fault, because your own office sent me email telling me you were haivng probs, and because we didn't even get into contact until the last 2 weeks, I need you to get a continuance.

If I have my character witnesses called to the stand, next to the CPS "witnesses", they will tear these people to shreds. They've known me for 3-15 years and will be a united front on my behalf. I have people to testify I am a good mom and there were no grounds for taking my son. I don't want to wait 'til fact finding.

I do NOT want Wenatchee to have ANY part in winning a sheltercare hearing. I want change of venue FIRST. THEN, dismissal, unless you are about 80% it will be dismissed by the judge, from all the discovery you've reviewed.

CPS is telling my aunt they're going to win, so it sounds like they're confident my son is neither being moved, or that I'm getting change of venue, AND they think they're winning contested sheltercare.

So tell me why this is NOT going to happen.

Also, the fact no one from your office is willing to travel here and help me, puts me in a bad position of not being able to get things done.

When is this hearing anyway? I need the exact date.

You wrote for me to take photos of the house I'm at, but how am I going to get pics developed and sent to you in time?

I need to know what's going on. I haven't even been able to get to the bank to cash my paychecks. Transportation is a major problem here for me and I could be getting a lot more done if I were working at a law office.


Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 11:24:53 -0700
Subject: Re: Multiple mails

Reply Requested: When Convenient
Ms. Garrett,

The attached is the Department's Memorandum of Authorities in Opposition of Mother's Motion for Change of Venue that has been signed by the Attorney General's Office.

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