Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cassel Still Doesn't Know Facts (May 10, 2008)

Cassel still hadn't talked to me about my case at all. He got the declaration but he didn't know what some of my defenses were, and when tried to tell him, he said it wasn't true and disputed me. I told him the medical professionals in wenatchee had complained to CPS and written slanderous things after I told them I was suing them for me and my son's damages in childbirth, and that they tried to prevent us from getting diagnostics for evidence. Cassel said he didn't believe it. He wouldn't even listen. I told him about medical records I had but he made no attempt to get them:

RE: Response‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 5/10/08 8:21 AM
To: Paul Cassel (

Dear Paul,

Do you think there is a good chance it will be dismissed by this judge, with just that? or what do you think? i feel I only have one shot, at least in the beginning.

If you think she'll go for it, go ahead. But will she dismiss this when Tom has made a big deal about the paternity? because she was asking questions about that, and if she doesn't know where I live currently and how I can support him?

Will you please let me know? Thank you

Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 14:04:16 -0700
Subject: Response

I have reviewed your responses and they are appropriate and relevant. I believe I have a good understandinf of your case and position. I am analyzing your responses and the allegations in the petition and I will be prepared to present legal argument for dismissal of this case. I have a medical report on your son dated 1/17/2008 which says "child appears quite well-running around room-playful-normal exam" I will show that to the judge. With your permission I will simply attach your email response to a pleading that I will prepare. Please advise. Paul Cassel

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