Thursday, December 25, 2008

Missed Visitation of My Son for 3 Weeks bc of Cassel (May 9, 2008)

I had not seen my son for THREE weeks because Cassel refused to respond to my attempts to contact him, and I not only emailed, I called and left messages on his VM so there was no excuse:

Multiple mails‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 5/09/08 10:41 AM
To: (
sorry, I didn't know this was being sent multiple times. It wasn't saying 'sent' after I tried to send it and then I checked my sent box and saw it went through about 4 times.

Please convince Tom and CPS to let my son come back to me. It would be too traumatic for him to move again into a strangers house, and yet he's traumatized being apart from me and I haven't seen him for 3 weeks. They didn't have grounds to take him to begin with and they have a right to keep their eyes open and to try to monitor things, but have no grounds for taking him or keeping him from me to begin with. They freaked out, and they need to fix this.

And, it IS political, and it will get a hell of lot MORE 'political' if I have to upload photos and show who is screwing whom.

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