Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Diligence In Working with Cassel (May 9, 2008)

I don't know why he wanted my declaration first instead of addressing change of venue specifically, as I requested. But I sent him what he wanted the very next day, first thing in the morning. I wasn't the one delaying things:

RE: SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to ReachYou‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 5/09/08 10:35 AM
To: Paul Cassel (
Paul, here's my declaration, but I would like to have you edit it to include the fact, regarding the allegation of my house being messy with rotting food and odor, that CPS NEVER went INSIDE my house. It was messier than usual, but no reason to take my son (no grounds) and they cannot say my entire house was a mess when they didn't even go inside. Also, they say they could "smell" a bad odor or something, but they were standing on the PORCH where I had set a couple bags of trash and THIS is probably what they were smelling. There was no rotting food in my house, which is why the garbage was OUTSIDE, not INSIDE my house. If you could add this fact to my admission that my house was messier than USUAL because of being severely ill, and having had a recent 3 day migraine, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Also, I'm just going to fax you general release (handwritten) to obtain records from Madrona Health over here, and you have the note from my doctor here and can call him and talk to him about our visit and my need for change of venue. Also, this Dr. wants me to see an OBGYN but I haven't gone yet becuase I can't afford it and would like to have you pay for it, out of the PD defense funds.

Finally, because I've had so many problems with Washington state, I'm considering moving to another state entirely. In that case, I'd want to have my son go with me to the state I move to. Other states offer more for my son, even with sign language and other speech and medical services, AND if I go on SSI, which is a liklihood, I don't want to be evaluated by Washington STATE doctors. SSI is federal and yet their program gets processed through the state and I have not had fair and objective treatment by Washington. I would rather move to another state.

I hope this entire thing is dismissed and that my son is returned to me immediately. They never had grounds to begin with.

I am NOT prepared to go to trial next hearing, over contested shelter care. I haven't even met with you and discussed my case or anything and there have been significant problems with your email and my email and communication. I would like to get change of venue, and if the state (AG and CPS) will agree, I just want my son returned to me without delay.

I live in a safe place and again, I don't want to go to a contested shelter care hearing without your having talked to me, and met with me, and going over everything and having photos of the house I live in and how this is safe. I don't have money to buy a camera and take photos. Someone from your office should probably come over here, inspect it themselves, and take photos to present to the court.

As for paternity, the AG put out a publication in the paper and no one has come forward. paternity is NOT an issue, at all, and there were zero grounds for removing my son from my care. I am the best provider for my son and he shows zero signs of "neglect" or any harm from me becuase I've been an excellent mother. I have many witnesses who would testify on my behalf about my parenting skills, from Wenatchee, and from friends who've known me over 15 years.

See declaration below and please edit to include the part about the messy house and CPS not even going inside or "smelling" right:

Cameo Garrett states as follows:
First of all I apologize for the length of this declaration, but it is long only because of the length of the petition filed by CPS. I am asking the court to consider my reply declaration and grant my motion dismissing this dependency petition for lack of sufficient evidence or grounds.

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