Thursday, December 25, 2008

Alerting CPS to Oliver's Health (March 24, 2008)

Oliver's Health and Welfare--Needs Appointments‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/24/08 6:21 PM
To: (; (

Finally, I talked to my son again this afternoon and he was a little better, but then the same again.

This is not normal for my son.

Holly says the doctor said he's got a low grade fever, a cold, and is probably also teething. That's besides being distressed from our separation.

You can make a note that his mother, who lives 4 hours away, picked up on her son's distress and not feeling okay, before any of you did, including my aunt, who lives with him. You should not be discounting my opinions, recommendations, or advice. Like I said, I know my son. I didn't sit around watching soaps at home. Every single minute of my time with my son at home was spent with me supervising everything he did. I knew what he was doing at ALL times, observed his development and kept accurate records, and planned activities for his growth. I know what sound he makes when he's "tired", or just "hungry", or "sad", or whatever. I spent every day with him, and slept with him as well.

When I say something is wrong with my son, you should be listening to me. No one else can meet the needs of my son better than me.

I put 15 years of experience with other people's kids AND an abundance of love into Oliver. Nothing you do can take that away.

Now, when I say my son needs to see a specialist about his speech, I mean it. I have already asked for this. I can tell my son is becoming frustrated with his inability to articulate what he wants, as he did before he was even 1 year old. I demand that he be scheduled to see a speech therapist, and I will be looking into a school that teaches sign language. It won't hurt anything. If anything, sign language helps spur on regular speech. I also want him to eventually have an MRI.

I am right about this.

Thank you,


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