Thursday, December 25, 2008

Objection to Wenatchee "Care" For Oliver (March 25, 2008)

RE: Oliver's Health and Welfare--Needs Appointments‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 3/25/08 8:36 AM
To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (; Caballero, Tomas (ATG) (

I don't want Oliver to be evaluated by a Wenatchee speech therapist. We have had significant problems with
medical professionals in this town who have known I may be filing a medical malpractice claim for my and
my son's damages from traumatic childbirth. They will find a way to avoid giving him any objective
diagnosis that could point to damages incurred at birth. I don't mind him seeing a PCP for general stuff in Wenatchee but for specialty things I would prefer Colorado's Adventist Children's Hospital, and if not that,
a non-religious hospital in Seattle.

Oliver needs an MRI. Everyone agrees he is NOT autistic. He has excellent contact with others and exhibits none
of the signs of autism. I have records of all the vocab he was using before he was even 1 year old. My son
was beginning to make 3 word sentences before he quit speaking altogether.

I witnessed my son twitching all night and in pain, and a variety of bizarre symptoms that I also exhibited at the
time. He was NOT okay, and I wasn't either. Whether you agree with the radiation/microwave theory or not, you
cannot discount this OR the possibility there was pesticide poisoning, and at the very minimum, he had a severe head injury from childbirth. He had jaundice for 3 months because of it. Why that would affect his speech LATER
and not earlier on, I don't know. I personally do not believe his speech problem is from birth trauma but from whatever the other stuff was, that was happening to us. Speech originates in the brain. It's a thought process, and if something is interferring, physically, with his ability to articulte, it may show up on MRI. CAT scan isn't good enough. CT or CAT scan will show some things, but not everything. MRI is the best diagnostic to determine whether signs of damage are evident.

It's a reasonable request and is in my son's best interest.

My son doesn't have "self-mutism" because I was supposedly a bad mom. I've heard of that theory before
and it doesn't fit and is ridiculous. He was never under any distress from me or being around me; I'm an excellent
mother. I may not be a great person for most people to work with, and I may have problems with some adults, and
not be the mediating type. However, with children, there is nothing lacking. I am very in tune to children and their needs and I strive to meet those needs, whether they're my kids, or someone else's kids. Kids are drawn to me because of this.

My son's speech was affected after he and I threw up and were seen at ER for what I thought
might be food poisoning from something we bought and ate from Grocery Outlet. I would have to go back in my records to find the exact date I noticed a problem. Shortly after, what I remember, is that inbetween our move to the orchard location, while we still stayed at the other house on Methow, we both experienced very very severe twitching all night and extreme pain. I found out my uncle hadn't known we were stying the night at the orchard location and had sprayed with a nerve gas near the house with all the windows open. I thought maybe it wwas this, so I called a pesticide hotline and he said our symptoms matched pest. poisoning. I noticed my son's speech almost quit altogether but it was sort of gradual too. THEN, in about September, for 4 months until we left our location, we had the very bizarre symptoms, and things plugged into the wall were melting (my computer, heater and christmas lights), I had very bizarre computer hacking on even my desktop, and the symptoms of the "hits" that I've referred to in my blog, and my son had the same thing happen. He also had other things going on.

I am quite sane, and while I've so distressed right now, I'm barely even having my periods, all those pains and bizarre symptoms are GONE. It doesn't make sense. I'm not mentally ill, but my mental state was definitely affected THEN, by what I was going through, and I believe I and my son were at great danger there, and no one was listening to me. I had abnormal blood stuff, and other things happening, and it was not in my head.

My son needs an MRI.

I hope you agree it cannot hurt and is in his best interests.

Thank you,


> Subject: RE: Oliver's Health and Welfare--Needs Appointments
> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:17:56 -0700
> From:
> To:; TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV
> Cameo,
> Oliver has already had an intake appointment with a speech therapist and
> they will be evaluating him soon.
> What is the reason that you want him to get an MRI? I will look into
> that.
> Have a great day!
> Marie Scanlon
> Social Worker III
> Wenatchee DCFS
> (509) 667-6142

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