Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Annonymous Idiocy

Another thing people like "annonymous" don't even think about, is the fact that many women have mood swings in early pregnancy--in fact, outrageous ones even.

But people like "annonymous" never take all the facts into consideration, because they have made up their minds, "100%", without knowing me, talking to me, or seeing ANY of the evidence or records which could prove I'm not delusional in any way and that I never had any "breakdown" and there is nothing wrong with me now other than severe distress from things like...

Oh...hmmmm....having my son taken from me and then cut off from even talking to me when there was nothing wrong with our conversations and he enjoyed them. And then, most recently, being ignored for over 2 months by D.C. and Wenatchee CPS when I called them repeatedly and went to their offices repeatedly, and was even willing to go by their "rules".

But no, this kind of harassment, in combination with being pregnant, is nothing which someone like "annonymous" even considers. Annonymous has probably never been pregnant, and doesn't know, from their own research, what other stories of mood swings other women have, and doesn't know anything about quickening either.

There are far too many "SJ"s in this world. Sorry God, but you created far, far, too many of them, and shame on the "NP"s who dare to march to the beat of a different drummer. But that's only half the problem, this 70% of society's personality types. The rest of the problem is pure indoctrination and brainwashing that the system is "right" and if it beats up the individual, the individual must be "wrong".


  1. Cameo -

    Thanks for reading my comment to your complaint post. I'm sorry if they came off overly "judging" - that was certainly not my intent. My comments were 100% based on my intuition and impressions I have picked up from reading your blog. As for my comments on your family, you are right - I do not have any place to speak about them. I made an assumption - which may or may not be correct - that your situation must be tough for them as well. I'm sorry if you feel my comments about them were off base.

    If you'd like to discuss specific instances where I feel your blog shows a confusion about reality, then I would have to start with the tasers. Do you still believe there was a time when you and your son were being "shocked" by a long-distance taser? Again, I don't mean this to be insulting.

    I will follow up with more later. I hope you have a good day.

  2. Anonymous,

    I don't know anything about you, except from what you write and how you base your assumptions.

    However, if you were to take the Meyer's-Briggs test, I would guess you'd be either an ESFJ or an ISFJ. And that's one dangerous combination, baby.

    Well, we need all kinds in the world, and lucky for you, you're in very good company because according to statistics, most of the population, the vast majority, are SJ's. But maybe it's the "F" (feeler) instead of "T" (thinker) that throws things off balance when trying to make analysis. Because feelers tend to base their opinions and decisions, by what they "feel" to be true. Not by logic, or an accumulation of facts, as much as by the emotional impressions they get--which is different from "intuition". I said I thought you were a "sensor" instead of "intuitive", because most sensors have a more difficult time imagining or understanding anything they cannot viserally feel or "sense" with their 5 senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, sound. Intuitives are more open to possibilities, even if they do not have direct experience with these possibilities.

    I don't mean to be insulting either, but I think from the very start, people jump to conclusions about me, based on their starting point, their personalities, which are often very different from mine, and it affects how we understand eachother. I'm glad to be who I am, but I do believe you are luckier in many ways, because you have company. You probably don't have any many misunderstandings made about you from the very start.

    I believe strongly in the basics of Meyers-Briggs, and it's not just a simple "extrovert"/"introvert" thing, but actually really helps people to understand eachother. And it is true, that my personality type is extremely rare, only about 3% of the population it's estimated (according to research and you can find this online) and then, of that 3%, WOMEN who belong to this type are even more rare.

    If I were an "SJ" I probably would have been married by the time I got out of high school, or college at least. I would be happy with an administrative job (which there is an abundance of), and I would also be neat and the homemaker type that most men covet when they begin to fantasize about their ideal child-worker-bride.

    Instead, I'm an oddball, from the get-go. Understanding this, is the first step to understanding me, rather than basing assumptions on intution or feelings.

    As for the rest, I'm happy to dialogue with you. I noticed you picked out, out of all the things I've written about, the "taser" thing.

    I will answer your question. But first, I would like to ask you, if you don't mind, to go over, with me, a list of other things I've written about, and I would like to know if you believe I am delusional or if my assertions are based in reality.

    I think we should chip away at the small stuff first, because I've been accused of being delusional about those things even, and then work our way up to "tasers", and maybe by then, you will have a better grasp of where I'm coming from.

    So, first question: Do you believe what I've written about the FBI has really happened?

    Second question: Do you believe my cars were vandalized repeatedly over the years, beginning with problems with the Catholic church and their lawyers, and that my house was burglarized several times?
