Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Better Odds In Another Country

I am beginning to realize, no matter what complaint I write, or what I do, I have too many people in the U.S. who refuse to step up to the plate and go to bat for me and my son.

I have people, even in the court system, who refuse me the basic civil rights of discovery prior to trial, and I have doctors and social workers who have withheld crucial evidence from a hearing.

Then, I have the FBI, ordering the police not to press charges against their guys, telling them "they'll" "take care of it".

If I have gone this long, and this far, trying to get assistance, to no avail, it's pointless to try to get my son back while living in this country.

I will obviously have to move, or at least visit, another country to get an MRI to confirm my injuries and protect this pregnancy from miscarriage, and further problems, and I will have better chances at raising money to fight a legal battle, in another country as well. In fact, in some countries, I could probably make a decent living exposing the things I know, and writing books.

I am giving all of this one month at the most.

I have ultimate rights to my body, and I can choose to abort if I want to, into even the second term, which, although it may not be something I plan to do, provides me with every right to leave this country, of my own volition, and no one can stop me. I don't belive in abortion and am not aborting, but the fact that I own this body and a fetus is not considered separate from it, is grounds for me to go wherever I damn well like.

I probably have very good odds, for getting ahead money-wise, elsewhere, and could even find supporters willing to contribute to a legal fund for me.

I've tried that here, and obviously no one cares.

Going to the Bible Belt may help with diagnostics, but not when most of the religious people wouldn't approve of my swearing, or my lifestyle, and are too conformist and conservative to understand where I'm coming from. A lot of them, too, believe in "forgiveness" and don't approve of fighting for anything.

My best odds, are to go outside of the U.S.

Then I could come back stronger, with another country questioning why such a "great" country could allow these things to happen to a woman and her son, and confirming I have not only been injured, but harassed, and deprived of not only basic civil, but some of the basic human rights as well.

If I leave, I'm not "abandoning". I am going on holiday or break to get the medical assistance and financial support I need. I have the right to reasonable medical care, and if I can't get it in the U.S., I'll go elsewhere. I also have the right to respect of my civil rights, and if I don't get that respect here, I'll do my fundraising elsewhere and then pay for a lawyer to get my son back for me, armed with my evidence.

An MRI is an MRI, no matter what country you go to, and I already have X-rays and CTs and radiology reports which prove I sustained injuries from childbirth.

The fact that the state has deliberately withheld these records, proves their motive is to frame me, not to do justice any kind of favors.

The fact that I was hung up on in hearings, refused ANY discovery prior to these hearings, and ignored, proves no one had any intention of doing what was right.

As for the father of this baby, he already said he wanted me to abort it, and then said he didn't care if I went out of the country. Partly, because then he escapes paying for child support.

So I and my next child are free to go.

"They Don't Give A Fuck About Us." (tupac shakur)

After I have raised enough money, I can still file a lawsuit, even if certain statutes have expired, others may not, and I can prove concerted efforts and basic conspiracy between the state and the medical professionals in that state, to railroad me and deprive me of justice.

The withheld evidence, jointly.

And that's just one thing.

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