Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cassel Claims Ignorance (May 8, 2008)

Cassel refers to "the pattern" which is odd, after I sent many emails to AG and the state and CPS about their "patterns". Then Cassel turns around and uses this on me. And now I remember, NO ONE contacted me until I wrote about the swinging thing on my blog. Only then did he contact me, after I'd been waiting on him for weeks and sending email. Cassel knew very well how I could or could not be reached:

RE: SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to Reach You‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 5/08/08 10:04 AM
To: Paul Cassel (
HOW would you know if I'd written a response, when you cannot even manage to return my calls and contact me? I had to write about it on my BLOG before you answered.

You haven't received a response to the allegations because I already told you I couldn't fax it and I was supposedly waiting for your email to get fixed and I TOLD your office I would be in touch with you through email and send my responses THAT way.


Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 09:56:37 -0700
Subject: Re: SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to Reach You

Also, I told you to write a response to the allegations in the petition as those are the shelter care issues. You have not done that either. The pattern is obvious that you will do nothing to help your case but you sure are good at giving orders and criticizing others. Paul Cassel

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