Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cassel Claims He Tried to Reach Me (May 6, 2008)

Paul writes that he emailed me with attachments which he knew I couldn't open and he said he didn't have an address but I'd already given him one:

RE: SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to Reach You‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 5/06/08 10:09 AM
To: Paul Cassel (; (
Mr. Cassel,

YOU DID NOT TELL ME YOUR EMAIL was 'working fine'. Since WHEN has it been working fine? because you didn't let me know. I got an email from John Beuller that your system was down and haven't received anything else since then.

I ALSO told you I could NOT open attachments from this computer, which are pdf OR adobe. I asked someone to cut and paste them into an email so I could at least read what was going on.

As for mailing things, I didn't get any message about how something was mailed to me until a WEEK ago, and I told you I didn't know how I was going to sign anything and send it to you without a fax machine.

THIS IS URGENT and snail mail takes too long, and I was waiting to hear back about your email situation and got nothing until now. NOW that you've told me this, I could have sent a release form to you by mail, but was waiting on hearing back from you because I can't open any of your email attachments and wanted to read those first. You hadn't mailed me everything, and you said so yourself.

It sounds to me like you're going to be all about excuses the whole way through. You didn't contact me for THREE WEEKS, even when I repeatedly emailed and called and left messages, and then after I BLOG about it, you finally get ahold of me to tell me you're just calling to cover your ass, and try to throw the whole ball into MY COURT when I don't have means or assistance to even be informed as to what's going on, becuase your next big excuse was that your email system was down. NOW you tell me it's NOT down, and act like I should have known all along.


Where the HELL are my son's medical records? I need an answer on this NOW, and I sure as hell know you have NOT sent me copies of my son's medical records by mail, and you've probably not asked about them recently either.

This is not going to work. All you care about is doing the bare minimum to keep your ass out of 'trouble' and not even the bare minimum for a reasonable defense. You should be getting on that phone and calling Whatcom county to try to work something out with their PDs because I know, even if you don't, that public defense is not limited to the jurisdiction of the claim. I live in Whatcom county, and I have a right to public assistance, especially in this case, and you're not doing anything except trying to keep an appearance up.

If you CARED about my son, you would have called or emailed to let me know when your email was 'working fine' and inquired about the status of the medical records.

Frankly, with the funds you receive, I think you should be driving your ass down here to meet with me.

Why should I be made to sit on my BROKEN ass, for months, to accomodate the assholes of Wenatchee, who cannot even lay a claim to disability other than retardation? You people have been inbred too long and need to move out and find some city folk to screw.

Which, by the way, causes me to seriously question who is screwing who over there, and YOU SHOULD KNOW, as the ringleader of a swingers group. I guess I should have been more 'involved' when I was there, is that how it works? I would have had a better shot at securing favors. I sure as hell wouldn't have had my son taken from me, and it's just too bad for all of the male lawyers in town that I'm not another 'Blowjob Michelle', isn't it?


Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 09:54:20 -0700
Subject: Re: SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to Reach You

My e-mail is working fine. You need to provide me with the declaration and releases that I have both mailed and e-mailed to you. Without those my hands are tied as far as venue goes. Paul Cassel

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