Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cassel Doing Nothing For Case (May 6, 2008)

SONS Medical Records and Change of Venue for Inability to Reach You‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 5/06/08 9:36 AM
To: (; (

I need to know what's going on. This is the SECOND week I will not be seeing my son and my son is having a very traumatic time. He needs to be placed with me immediately.

I need to know what your office's email situation is. If your offices cannot even send or reply to emails from me, then you probably need to make a motion to the Judge and let her know this is not working out simply because we cannot even communicate long distance. I cannot call you long distance, because of the cost, and I don't always have access to a phone. I also don't have access to a fax, or to transportation where I live. I have to work, as well. The only way I am able to reach you is through email and your offices have been allegedly having 'MAJOR' problems for over 2 weeks, and you didn't try to contact me before then.

I cannot 'work with' a lawyer that I can't even reach.

I have tried, and done everything in my power, and I need you to figure out how to get change of venue because of this impossible situation, which prejudices my rights and the rights of my son, or someone needs to make a trip over HERE, to meet with me and help me obtain the documents I need, and give me, and pick up release forms and sit down with me to talk and discuss my case.

I have put off, and put off, contacting the ADA, hoping someone would take responsibility for what is going on, from Wenatchee, and no one is doing this.

I cannot go to the next hearing in Wenatchee, because of medical problems, and you are CERTAINTLY NOT ready to go foward with contested shelter care and other matters and MY SON and I don't want this to continue to drag on and not even SEE eachother in the process.

My aunt has noticed a very marked and severe deterioration of not just my son's emotional, but physical health. He is sick again, and this is exactly what happened a month or more ago, when I missed a vistatition because my private practice attorney told me to hang around and pick up some documents from him.

My son needs to be with me, and if you can't even manage to be in touch with me, to fight for this, this is pointless. I don't need to hear another comment about how you have to cover your ass again, either, against my 'threats to turn (me) in'.

Either you can work with what you've got, or you can't, and it seems this is not my fault. I cannot be expected to climb mountains when I have very basic obstacles which are impossible to overcome in this current situation. This is not my fault, and this is discrimination. The longer this continues, the worse it will be when the ADA DOES get involved and I hope the 'department' is sued for this.

I also KNOW that CPS has received all of my son's medical records and these have not been sent to me. I was told I would have copies of ALL his records, and the Wenatchee clinics only have 1 month to stall and delay. By now, they should have turned in everything and I am to receive copies. I want those copies NOW because I have a private law firm that wants to take my son's case and possibly my own case, for medical malpractice and possibly something else.


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