Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ode To Blow Job Michelle

I don't know, I hate this woman so much and she has never cared about my son. She is someone I could see right through. I sort of want to reserve this little space right here, just for some images and poems about Michelle. a tribute to my son. he is going to love it when he's older because he will hate her as much as me. he will be very aware of what she put his mother through, when i tried so hard. so, this is deserving of a tribute. i know i wrote about her binging, and i guess that made her mad enough to take the stand against me, but what was hilarious, is she only gave me more material. this is a very, very, stupid girl posing as a grown woman. so, saving space here for when i'm a little more inspired. wait, let me see...

two halves of an orange
yes, juicy sweet
put your paper here, not between my feet or my teeth
said blow job michelle
blowing through her meetings with ease
"what a pumpkin" said the man,
"that's MY dumplin'" said another,
"here's my turkey goggling girl," said one more
all of them so sure
very sure
of one thing
man, can that girl SING
swing those hips, swing them doors open wide
postured with a grip to make a man sigh
why oh why didn't i think of that, i said to myself
and with a smile, i was content to take a back seat
to watch the woman work her charm
thinking it was her charm and bright white smile
that opened all of those umbrellas
made the fellas cheer
didn't know they cheered themselves on, took her wrist
to write and sign and witness
giggling like a goo goo doll,like a bottle of champagne
strutting all of her weight, she sang
and they came: blow baby blow
legs of a fortress, never needed a battering ram
come an' get me honey she said, i'm your little lamb
little? said one man
lambchops for my hands, said another
and there was enough room for them all,
in her billowing stand
i sat in the corner, to watch and in the paperwork
the pens sound like the cry of my son
double chin dripping, michelle is still licking
her wounds

(to be continued)

I love this song, by bonnie raitt, "i will not be broken" so good. Oh my god. This is beautiful, this song by nickel creek "sabra girl"

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