Thursday, December 25, 2008

Michelle Erickson's Flirtations with Tomas Caballero

I will tell you one thing. Caballero flirted with both Marie and Michelle Erickson to get them working overtime for him. Marie was married but Michelle wasn't, and it was very clear Caballero knew this and encouraged her by flirting with her in an outrageous way. And when I saw her, she was falling all over herself, almost clinging to him, and flirting and giggling. It was obvious. I just stood there, staring at the three of them, still in the courtroom and Caballero looked at me, took a cigar out of his pocket and waved it at me and then said he'd taken up a new bad habit. He does this in the courtroom. Michelle dissolved into giggle fits. I suppose it was too much for an oversized girl to handle all at once. I'm sorry, but that woman is the one who claimed my SON was a "binge eater". And she was the one who stupidly took the stand in fact finding and her own AG was having second thoughts about that. She said some of the stupidest things, on the record, and the AG kept saying, "Objection!" whenever I'd ask a new question. Michelle is an idiot. But I do believe she has been promoted.

It was bizarre, to see these grown women, acting like Caballero was a movie star. I was even surprised by Marie, because she was acting so girlish, and she's married.

WHO knows. Maybe THAT Michelle is the "Blow Job Michelle" my aunt Locklyn had told me about. I do believe Michelle did a little work for attorneys in the past. What would the odds be, if SHE is Blow Job Michelle.

Believe me, she'd blow Caballero. She didn't even have to pull down his pants for him.

I know for a fact, Caballero didn't have to work hard to get the state and CPS workers to do and say whatever he wanted. He would make it worth their time, and flatter them, and make them feel special. He knew he had them in his pocket.

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