Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cassel Contacts Me After Swinger Reminder (April 27, 2008)

I not only faxed this doctor's note to Cassel, I faxed it to the state, but then it went "missing". I told Cassel it was missing, but never told Cassel I'd faxed it to the AG and state. So all of a sudden he doesn't use it at a hearing and then acts like he never got it. Then I said yes you did and so did the state and he told the Judge it was just a "little note". It was a note for grounds for continuance. Also Cassel only contacted me after I brought up a hint that I was aware of his swinging activities:

Emergency Motion For Cameo Garrett Re. Oliver Garrett‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sun 4/27/08 8:14 AM
Hello Mr. Cassell,

A note I had from my doctor, which I faxed to you, was either lost or stolen. I need to have this case transferred to Whatcom county for medical and prejudice reasons (maybe jurisdictional as well), would like much more frequent visitation with my son, and FIRST of all, I need to know if submitting a "response" to the allegations and a motion to dismiss this case outright, can come BEFORE change of venue.

If I'm asking for change of venue, does this have to happen before I submit or file a response to the CPS allegations?

If I have a chance to have this whole thing thrown out for lack of grounds, I'd like to do that.

But if the only way to get change of venue is before filing a response, that's what I want.

I need to know what has to be done first before I send you my facts, because I'll send facts for change of venue first unless I can ask for change of venue later and can get this dismissed.

I DO know that I cannot take this bus to Wenatchee. I am due to go this Tuesday morning again, and my doctor says "no" and it really hurts me and has been contributing to the deterioration of my body. I don't want to miss visitation with my son in the meantime.

I don't think Wenatchee CPS has been doing ANYTHING to try to find a family to care for him over here in the Whatcom area.

I have medical damages from childbirth, which are worsening with the bus travel to Wenatchee. My symptoms are pretty bad.

My son, Oliver, is also being refused even basic medical diagnostics, such as an MRI to find out whether his speech difficulties are/were caused by brain trauma during childbirth. Not one doctor in the Wenatchee area will advocate for him, including the one he has currently, Dr. Hornbee, who is affiliated with CWH, which is the hospital some PI firm would like to sue for damages to me and my son. I had to go to SEATTLE to get even a simple X-ray of some of my own injuries, which included a broken tailbone and fractured pelvis, because no one in the entire Wenatchee area would do it, even though it was covered by insurance.

Also, the volunteer legal organization in Wenatchee worked for me on one matter, about discrimination and viiolatino of the ADA, whicih is still occuring now, and I wonder if you could get ahold of someone there and see if they would be willing to assist you on that matter? To put together an argument for my son's rights to medical care and diagnostics, and about discrimination of me based on a flawed perception I am mentally "disabled"?

Please let me know, thank you,


Cameo Garrett

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