Thursday, December 25, 2008

Asking Cassel for Help After Delay(April 28, 2008)

From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/28/08 7:01 AM

I have to know what's going on. I cannot take the bus to Wenatchee tomorrow and haven't heard from you.

I need to know if change of venue MUST be made before filing a response to allegations and trying to get a motion to dismiss, outright, for lack of grounds.

Can I file a response, and get change of venue later? or does change of venue have to come first before anything else?

Also, I am having an extremely difficult time being in touch with you, and have no fax machine here and no way to get to your offices. It would better to have someone over here represent me, and I believe there is no law which prevents this kind of arrangment with PDs.

Finally, I want my son back NOW. It has been THREE months and I only have 4 hours a week visitation with my son. This is NOT NORMAL or good and I my son and I must be able to maintain our bond. I am asking you to contact the AG and CPS and instruct them to either dismiss their baseless charges against me for their own lack of evidence, or to find a family over here to place my son with so he can have visitation with me.

I am not even able to reach you to discuss my medical needs, or my son's medical needs, and I need a PD who is going to be talking to my doctor to obtain a letter or evidence for why change of venue is necessary.

CPS has already given me 2 more week's worth of BUS passes and my health doesn't permit me to go on the bus. I need you to be talking to my doctor about this!

We are going to go into the next hearing, with NOTHING prepared, and it's going to be a contested shelter care and maybe even preliminary fact finding.

I'm not even able to get ahold of you.

Will you please write to me today and make an emergency motion to the judge, or at least an attempt to CALL me to get the rest of the facts and ask your questions?

Basically, you know who my doctor is because I faxed you his info on his note for me. You know this doesn't work logistically. You know the protective order was placed on my son NOT in Wenatchee, but when we were in CANADA and that I work here and cannot live in Wneatchee and that BOTH I and my son have been refused medical diagnostics.

CPS--Marie--told me she had requested all of my son's medical records from all the medical facilities, about a month ago, and she said she'd give them to me when she had them. Can you check to see if she's got them? because if she does, she said she'd give me copies and I need them to be able to fax (somehow) them over to a P.I. firm about my son's injuries. I also need them because I'm giving this information to the ADA, which is interested in this case. Right now, both my SON and I are being discriminated against and refused accomodation for our disabilities.

If you are Catholic, friends with Caballero or any Wenatchee idiots I've had to deal with, or even friends with my family, which, on my mother's side, is a bunch of uneducated raving religious lunatics, or have any other conflict of interest, please let us all know now.



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