Thursday, December 25, 2008

Still Trying to Reach Cassel (April 28, 2008)

From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/28/08 8:13 PM
To:; (
Mr. Cassell,

Your office told me I could reach you by email. I asked if this was okay and they said it was, and I let them know it was the only way for me to contact you.

However, you've not responded to my emails of late, and I have urgent and EMERGENT matters to address.

If you cannot even manage to send off a quick acknowledgment, it seems Chelan-Douglas is still inequipped to properly defend the clients it receives public funds for.

I don't doubt you're overbooked and under-funded, however, I need to know what this is going to look like.

I had someone already tell me not to expect to even see you or communicate with you until you are actually scheduled in court. If this is going to be the situation, I need to know because perhaps there is someone I should call regarding the short-staffing and funding problem.

I have already told you my medical condition is urgent and that taking the bus is worsening my disability and you've not even responded, or, to my knowledge, contacted my doctor, or anything.

It seems then that you're working with Wenatchee and the Wenatchee system and are not interested in representing me at all, or the interests of my son.

I don't have time to wait for your snail mail. I also don't have a phone available for communication. I only have email, and you at least have a secretary or assistant who should be able to get back to me.

What you're doing, is basically forcing me to act as my own attorney, in trying to advocate for my rights to representation.

This will be copied to your friend Caballero, because at this point, it seems you're one and the same.


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