Thursday, December 25, 2008

Concerns About Oliver, 2 (April 24, 2008)

Diaper rash is inexcusable to me. My son NEVER, ever, had a diaper rash. I had him changed immediately after he wet, except at night, and then he had a good overnight diaper and I coated him with destin so he wouldn't chafe. CPS hands my son over to people who don't even know how to keep an eye on my son:

Last Correspondence. Son's Safety.‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/24/08 8:51 AM
To: Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (; (; (; (
I just posted some information about my interactions with your offices and 'the department' on my blog. This would include your recent letter to me. Following this, I make a post which discusses use of seatbelts which reminded me of something. After this, I will not be making contact or accepting contact from your offices. You'll have to contact me through Paul Cassell.

1. Please ask my aunt to take my son with his carseat to the fire station to be fitted properly with his seatbelt. This is the second time I had a ride and found Oliver strapped into a seatbelt with loose straps he can wiggle out of. I fixed them the last time, and my aunt said she hadn't known how to adjust them. I showed her the proper placement is just 2 finger widths between the shoulder and the strap, but she and her husband are moving Oliver around a lot. The straps were floppy last time, again. Not just loose, but there is no way they would work as a proper restraint in a car crash. Either my aunt needs instruction on this, and her husband too, or she is making it more lax because Oliver is fussing about it and she thinks it might be too tight.

2. Please ask Holly to use Desitin on my son's bottom when he wears a diaper at night. Oliver had a very bad diaper rash last visitation and it wasn't from simple one-time bad poop irritation. Either his diaper hasnt been changed enough, or he's sitting in it all night without diaper cream and maybe Holly doesn't know putting a layer of this on his front and back ends will seal the moisture out at night and prevent rash.



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