Thursday, December 25, 2008

Threatened by Michelle Erickson (April 24, 2008)

The state and my own PD already pissed off at me, for what I've written about them on my blog:

RE: copy of letter hand delivered on 4/23/08‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/24/08 7:35 AM
To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (; (; (
Attachments: 1 attachment(s) Antivirus scanning by Trend Micro
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I am requesting the video surveillance for this alleged incident you refer to.

I did not hold open a door unauthorized. Both I and Leah the speech therapist facilitator were talking to you and YOU were holding the door open. I had my hand on the door as well, from the start.

I did not 'abuse' you in any way. YOUR conduct and the conduct of YOUR office and office personnel is what is 'unacceptable' and I ask that an officer be standing by at all future visits hereout to avoid my being further blackballed and mistreated.

I asked you why MY SON is not receiving necessary services, and I DID use 2 curse words, total, in my distress over the fact my son is still being denied services and discriminated against by your office.

My reaction to what you and your office has done is entirely appropriate and understandable and commensurate with the treatment both I and my son have received.

I also made NO 'threats' other than to call the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and file a suit against your offices for this treatment and discrimination.

Please do NOT threaten ME with use of police under color of law. I did not and have never 'threatened a public servant' other than to state your offices should be sued. This kind of 'threat' is a statement, and is not against the law. Your offices conduct has been unlawful, and now that you know I have grounds for removing this case from your jurisdiction, you're trying to come up with better ways to make your allegations seem justified.

My son needs an MRI and needs sign language and you and Leah have him signed up for ONE HOUR a week for 'speech therapy' which is pointless. Leah told me they would work on having my son 'watch their mouth' so he could learn how to articulate words and this is NOT his problem. He was able to articulate words perfectly well, with no observation of my mouth, when he was younger, and he has had head injury which supports brain trauma and also had excessive twitching for months, which is a neurological function.

I have never use swear words over the phone in any conversation with you.

I will be bringing both a tape recorder and a witness to all further visitations with my son and to future visits to your offices.

I will also AGAIN ask NOT to interfere with my visitation time with my son, where you again interrupted not once but TWICE to hand off letters you could have mailed.

I have also never gone to the DSHS office or stayed at the building at ANY time except for visitation, and I expressly asked that even this visitation be held elsewhere, such as my aunt's house. Please do not attempt to create further slander and defamation of my character.

Please give any and all taped video surveillance to my attorney Paul Cassell. Furthermore, do not have contact with me without going through Cassell first.

Based on your continued harassment of me and treatment of my son and his case, I will no longer accept any communications from your offices unless it is through my attorney, Mr. Cassell, and will not meet with you or have further contact by telephone or in person without him being present. You can make your case against Mr. Cassell if you're going to make attacks to preserve your office's credibility, which is already shot to pieces. And again, please have an officer present for future visitations if you cannot keep yourself out of my visitation time with my son, after I have asked not once, but at least 5 times, that you not interrupt this time to barge in with notes and letters which are not urgent and can be sent by mail.

Thank you,


Subject: copy of letter hand delivered on 4/23/08
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:53:53 -0700

April 23, 2008

Cameo Garrett

Re: conduct in the DCFS office and in emails.

Dear Cameo,

Your conduct with me in the DCFS office lobby today was unacceptable. Holding open the door to a secure office while speaking in a loud, aggressive tone and using swear words is abusive and threatening. Threatening a public servant is against the law. In the future, if you behave in this manner the police will be called.

In addition, you are only allowed to be in the DSHS building for your visitation or if you have an appointment scheduled with someone. Especially at the 5 o’clock hour, you must exit our building immediately following your visitation. If you do not leave the building following your visitation, the police will be called and asked to escort you out. If you need to schedule an appointment with someone, you must call ahead of time to do so.

If you do not comply with these regulations, we will have to reinstate security during your visits to enforce them.

In addition, your conduct in your emails to my coworkers and I will not be tolerated. Personal attacks and swearing is unacceptable. If this continues, we will block all further email contact and you will be required to communicate with us over the phone or in writing through the postal service. Phone calls will immediately be terminated if swearing, personal attacks or threatening behavior occur.


Marie Scanlon

Social Worker

cc: Paul Cassell

Tom Caballero

WPD Shift Supervisor

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