Thursday, December 25, 2008

CPS "Packet" To Ellen Walker--Psych (April 10, 2008)

CPS involved Michelle Erickson in contacts with me before they ever got fact finding. Michelle's position was not to handle things until or unless it went to fact finding, but CPS used Michelle as their main "witness" in fact finding. No one else even took the stand. At any rate, I wasn't going to have an eval done by Ellen when I knew what the conflicts of interest were, but I wanted to see what CPS was trying to send her. They never sent it to me:

RE: Information‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/10/08 6:49 AM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (
Cc: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (; Caballero, Tomas (ATG) (

I will be ready to receive the packet of information you're sending to Ellen Lind-Walker sometime after 10 a.m. I believe. Please call first to let me know you plan to fax and I'll turn it on and be standing by.

Also, I'm not feeling great as the bus rides are exhausting and painful for me with my broken tailbone. On the way over and back, both days, I didn't have room to lie down sideways and avoid sitting, so I had to sit all day and my tailbone is NOT okay. THAT, I may remind you, was a trauma from childbirth that Wenatchee tried to conceal and wouldn't do diagnostics for.

Basically, I found out about the UA yesterday, and was told to go in for one TODAY and I don't know how to get there and don't feel well and usually need 1 day after travel to recoup. Could you please reschedule for another day? You will need to coordinate with me because I am working. I DO want to have this done before next hearing.

Finally, I prefer having hair analysis done. Will you please have this done instead of UA?
UA will only show "drugs" in the system, sometimes, for just the last WEEK. For a very frequent user, it can pull things up from a month back. But UAs don't hold up in court. There are too many things to throw them off: I once had a false postive come back and I'd never done any drugs in my life. I was wondering how this could happen and the hospital and drug rehab and drug detective guys told me there are about 18 things that can throw one off--including high levels of protein, some medications, and a number of other thing. I talked to a lawyer who said UAs won't hold up in court because of this.

Hair analysis, on the other hand, is not much more expensive, given the fact I would request I be tested for the 18 other things from any UA, AND, doing one on me would be more cost-effective for the state.

If you propose random UAs, and are going to spend money for EACH one, that will add up. It is unnecessary to do random UAs on me as I do not have a history of using drugs, period, except for a very short time I tried marijuana for migraine prevention, which is an accepted medical remedy (legal) in Washington. There was no possible way to become "addicted" trying it a few times, and even the FBI will not preclude someone from employment with them if they've had occasional use of marijuana, because it's not an addiction problem (you can look on their employment requirements and find out for yourself. Because I am not "at risk" and have never been in the past, I can prove this to you through hair analysis. My hair analysis will prove I've not used "drugs" as long as the hair on my head is long. Doing a one-time hair analysis will be cheaper than demanding random UAs, which are impossible for me to do anyway, given my schedule, lack of transportation, and working hours. Most importantly, it is unnecessary, and if you do a hair analysis, it will prove this. I would strongly question why the state would prefer to do a series of random UAs but not hair analysis, if they are truly concerned with finding out what the truth is, and not simply promoting their own agenda.

Please let me know if you can schedule a hair analysis instead of UA, and what the cost difference is.



> Subject: RE: Information
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 07:41:34 -0700
> From:
> To:
> CC:; TomasC@ATG.WA.GOV
> Cameo,
> Please direct further communication through Marie as she is your first point of contact and she will notify me if it is something I am required to follow up on. I am CCing her on this email so she has the most recent information/concerns that you have shared. Thank you.
> Michelle Erickson, MSW
> Social Worker III
> Division of Children and Family Services
> Wenatchee
> Phone: (509) 667-6118
> Fax: (509) 664-6358

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