Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mother Refuses to Give Emails of Oliver's Development (April 10, 2008)

My parents refused to do this, even though it was in Oliver's and my best interests. My mother had tons of email from me about my son's development which I could have used to show how I cared for him and how he was doing. She refused to send anything. I only have what I've posted already, which gives an idea at least. This shows she was turning her back on me and satisfied with the idea that the Avilas could adopt my son. My mother didn't care and never has--she makes a show and pretense and never follows through:

Emails About Oliver‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/10/08 7:09 AM

I need any and all emails that I sent to you about Oliver's development. I sent you a bunch of email from his birth and for over a year, and need these for Oliver's medical diagnostics now. The speech therapists and others need them.

The computer I sent them from fried, so I don't have them to print out and need you to forward all of them to me.

Will you please do this? I need them ASAP.



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