Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cytotec & Lawsuit Decision

It appears that if the ectopic pregnancy was not killed through the MRI, it was probably killed by the Cytotec I was made to take. I was told to take 4 pills all at once.

If there is still a living fetus, it would seem a miracle, and I was told it looks ectopic, but I never heard anything about a heartbeat. You'd think they'd tell me if there was a heartbeat.

I really have no idea what is going on. There is this huge New Years party going on upstairs and I'm just content to have a quiet night at home. I don't feel like going to any parties. I just want to do research, contemplate some things, and figure out what motions I'm writing, whether to file lawsuit in federal court about the dependency case, and what to do next.

I am not depressed either. I'm a little tired, but not depressed at all.

I found out all my radiology records were never obtained by the hospital that claimed they were getting the records. I called them several times and they have nothing even though I filled out a release a month ago. I still do not have the CDs Douglas county promised to mail me either.

Everyone has been withholding all evidence from me, which I could use to prove my injuries and motives of Wenatchee professionals for taking my son under false pretenses. I have people trying to force me to Wenathcee to get railroaded and lose my son, or at least give them the satisfaction of getting a diagnosis they want to clear THEM, or losing my son altogether as I wait for the proper diagnostics and evidence.

I have people just deliberately withholding crucial evidence from me, which I would need to take even for a psych eval, to show the psychologist how the other parties have lied and what their motives are.

I think I have to file a lawsuit. I have no other choice.

I still don't have my case file from Jeanne Wellbaum either. I've never received it.

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