Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Found My ID and Country of Refuge: My New Year's Wish

Oh, and although my driver's license was stolen and I have been without any ID, I recently found a copy of both my birth certificate and a copy of a license that is not expired.

I have photo ID for getting a passport anytime I want. And I can now take ID to the embassies who asked for more information from me.

I'm still planning on visiting those embassies again.

I am asking whether they can help and assist me at all, while I am here in the U.S., to help me finance getting my son back and holding those responsible, accountable, and then, in return, offering my services to their country.

I would serve in their military even, if any country would offer to give practical and financial assistance for getting my son back.

I will give my loyalty to the country that proves they have an interest and if some country is so willing as to give me and my son a chance, I will repay them over and over and over again.

I will give up any claim to U.S. citizenship, as I've not even been treated with the rights supposedly afforded a citizen, if another country will step in to help me and my son.

I will sell books from this country, sing and make money doing music, and I will even serve in their military if required, to have a chance to a fair trial to prove how I've been railroaded in my own country.

I want to stay here, only to prove I'm right and get my son OUT.

My wish for the New Year, is for someone to help me and my son and give me a fair chance to defend myself. This is my wish and I pray that God has directed the right person or people, to read this and want to respond to this wish.

Just watched Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger". Funny intro: I've been listening to Michael Jackson and Madonna. Started out with "Who's That Girl" and then found this one, which I've not heard before.

This one just makes me cry: Madonna's version of "American Pie":
I wish this country had panned out differently. I feel the most sorrow and loss, over what I've seen happen to me and my son in America. I am still not through the greiving process. I am so sorry and sad for the state of this country and for what has happened to me and my son and how no one, in this entire country, after all my attempts, has done anything to correct obvious wrongs. They are so bold now, they do it in the open, with no fear of being corrected or held accountable. When corruption no longer has to hide its face and instead, parades about in confidence, this is a sign of the beginning of the end of a great country.

Wow. This one made me cry: "Die Another Day" by Madonna. I really like the video but it makes me cry. I can relate:
I want to know what the writing is, in Hebrew, on the electric chair at the end. I don't know what it means. I just found out the meaning: it is "Lamed-Alef-Vav" which is translated as "Shall not do" or "not" as in "it's not my time to go" and expresses certainty and lack of doubt. I'm not into tatoos, but if I were, I'd get something like that.

I like Madonna's "Hey You" too. This is a good one, a sad one, about the climate:
I don't know why this is turning into a music post. But music is important and reaches out where and when words fail. That is what I love about music--it's universal. It crosses every boundary and barrier.

I've never heard "Angel" before, liked it, and now "Physical Attraction". Wow. Look at that guy in his shorts swiveling his hips. ahha.

Well, this is turning into a long music post. Listened to "Pretender" which I've not heard. It was so strange, because I was hearing this song, and I suddenly felt the presence of someone I used to know, not anyone people would know from posts, but he was right behind me, close, like something out of "ghost". Very strange presence sensation, and he's alive, and no, I don't believe in ghosts, but had this very strong feeling he was right here. So weird. listening to "shoo bee doo" and never heard it. I'm going to have to find out about whether there is a heartbeat for this ectopic pregnancy or not. If there's not, I'll take the Methergine, and figure out what to do from here. I have to know the truth though. I need to know, for my own peace of mind. "You Thrill Me" it. love you madonna. discovered you too late in life as well. glad you're still making music. so underappreciated as a "business woman" and yet look at the creativity. like this one a lot too...lots..."skin--Fear Me" by madonna. "do i know you from somewhere?" so weird, I started writing a second image and this song "liquid love" comes on by madonna. i'm not done writing this image yet. really like "nobody knows me" by m. done with the image but not satisfied with it, doesn't feel inspired. i like "get together" too.

time goes by so slowly, like it. watching a lot of madonna concert coverage now
and will go back to videos.

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