Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Framed and Witness Protection For One Special Person

People like "Anonymous" want to try to frame me "top down". What I mean by this, is if you read her (I assume it's a woman, perhaps wrongly) comments, and espeically the last one, you notice how she has framed her entire opinion of me and what is real or not real, by my comments about "tasers".

She wants to work from the most implausible or far-fetched "sounding" idea, one which most have trouble understanding, down.

What happened to me and my son isn't implausible. It's just more "out there" sounding, because someone would have to have access to sophisticated technology most people don't have, and others don't understand. It's possible. Yes, in a normal world, it would be most unlikely. But nothing about what has happened, in reality, in my world over the last decade, has been "normal".

But by taking the most difficult concept, one which others would assume is a "crazy" idea, anonymous or anyone else can then break down the other truths and realities into being implausible.

If nobody believes in aliens, and someone is saying they saw aliens, it causes that person to be doubted on every other thing they claim to have seen.

Aliens, I do not believe in.

Technology, I do believe in, and I do know that if it was possible for others to harass me and set me up so long, and if they would go to the lengths of following me from state to state to vandalize my property and break into my apartments on a regular basis, and take things like my medical records?...the rest is possible.

My enemies want people to view me from the "taser" idea, and then apply their incredulity to everything else I've reported.

Instead, what I know I am able to do, is clear misconceptions from ground-up. I've had enemies try to claim I'm delusional about a number of things I've been right about. I've never been delusional. But to discredit me, people have claimed I don't have physical injuries I actually have (which I can prove), and that my son doesn't have injuries he has (which I can prove), and that other things didn't happen either, such as Dr. Parnell's assumption I had never known anyone from the FBI.

People assume claims about harm coming from government officials or employees, must be the result of paranoia from schitzos, but there is a difference. Schitzos hallucinate and really do think everyone is out to get them, and the government especially, when it's not true and when there is zero motive for it. Most schitzos have NOT made complaints about sexual assault by 2 FBI employees, or sued members of the Catholic church, or reported any other number of things I've reported.

I have MOTIVE on my side, number one. I made people mad. My reports cost them and/or could cost them a lot of money and their careers. That goes for the monks, for the FBI employees I reported and those who covered for them, and for the medical professionals in Wenatchee.

Not only that, there was an established pattern of harassment and vandalism against me and I have witnesses. I knew, if some group was willing to take this from one state to the other and continue harassing me, they were with a group, or had connections to people who were spurring them on and who would be willing to do worse.

As horrible and unbelievable as it sounds, what happened happened, and all of my other complaints are legitimate and based in fact too. But I have to work ground-up, proving one thing at a time to re-establish my credibility, so that I am at the point where the public, and enough people understand, that if individuals and groups were willing to cover up or withhold evidence for some things, they are also the type who would, or could, do worse.

All it takes is one person, out of that group, to take it to the next level, using their connections.

I can prove everything, but a lot of people KNOW I will able to prove some things, and because they don't want me to gain any ground, they withhold choice pieces of information, discovery, and evidence, which supports my credibility.

No one who has any brain at all, who really claims to be "objective", should allow themselves to be swayed by their "feelings" or their "intuitions" without first examining the evidence and the facts.

I have not been given the opportunity to use discovery and facts, to my defense and to prove I'm right. No one has assisted me in getting further diagnostics either.

You know what, if I'm sooo "nuts", why wasn't someone in Wenatchee willing to do a stupid X-ray, which is not that expensive and is covered by insurance, to "prove" to me that "nothing" was there? Why? Because they KNEW something WAS there. They just didn't want hard evidence to back up my claims. Which is the same thing I go through now in trying to prove what happened to me and my son really happened. Where is the expert who will step forward and validate what I say, or the expert who could actually volunteer to do the appropriate diagnostics? Or, where is the person who struggles with the idea of whether they should turn someone, or themselves in, for what they've done?

I don't have a problem giving witness protection to that ONE person (and their family) who might come forward to vouch for the truth of what happened to me and my son. I would not press charges and ask for witness protection for that person, simply because they were brave enough, and had something deep down which no one could take from them entirely, which speaks to their humanity. The rest of the group involved, should be punished, but if that one person came forward, knowing it would free me and my son from these false accusations, I would be thankful.

You know who you are.

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