Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Get An Army Wife Instead of a Medical "Professionals"

Today was pretty much the last straw.

I decided to go ahead to my OBGYN appointment which had been delayed so long (not necessarily the fault of the hospital because I wasn't getting my cell phone messages), and it was the same old thing all over again.

I am really beginning to wonder if perhaps I AM a "genuis". I mean, some of the stupid things I hear out of the mouths of doctors drives me nuts. And they seem to get offended if I even speak up and say anything intelligent.

I wasn't even talking about medicine, and the intake nurse asked me if I had a medical background. I don't know where she got that, but she was serious. I hadn't even been talking about medicine. Maybe it was after I told her I would like a copy of the ER reports from when I went in with severe back pain (from work).

The ER chart note by the Dr. said I had claimed to have a "gelatinous", clear, discharge.

I could NOT believe it. I had gone in, SPECIFICALLY because of WATER or FLUID gushing out, and it gets written up as "clear, gelatinous discharge". Which any idiot would know sounds like NORMAL pregnancy discharge. A "clear, gelationous discharge" would be normal cervical mucus.

And yet, what I have had happen, is total gushing of thin water, no "gelatin" apparent. It's water or fluid gushing out.

If I fucking miscarry because of idiots...

So all I said to the intake nurse was that I had never gone into ER because of "clear gelaninous" discharge.

I had said it was watery. So, what disturbs me is the translation. And this was coming from the same Dr. who kept going on about how even a herniated disc wouldn't cause back pain and women go through this all the time, etc.

So, I discovered THIS, after I repeatedly asked to go by my middle name for security reasons, and they refused at registration and then the nurse is calling out my full name, to everyone in the huge, overflowing, public office.

I was almost in tears when I got to the intake nurse and said I did NOT want to be called by my first name and I had security reasons for wanting to keep my privacy.

Then I read the chart note about "gelatinous discharge" at a glance and got more upset.

THEN, this women is asking all these questions, and I'm trying to explain why I have security needs, and she goes down the psychosocial list of questions about "have you been sexually assaulted" and "have you been physically assaulted", and after hearing about the FBI, she says she wants to sign me up to see their psychiatrist, for "support" and because of everything I'd "been through". She also wanted to sign me up with their social worker, and I said no way. I was somewhat open to a psychiatrist, because I figured if I talked to the right person, I would be cleared, but by the end of my whole visit I realized there was no way in HELL I was going to any psychiatrist, to give someone an excuse to throw me into the pysch ward, which is quite a large department, and just next door (how convenient. I wonder how many activists and whistleblowers are currently taking up beds.)

But I let her sign me up with an appointment with the psychiatrist until after I went through the visit with the docs.

When I saw the first intern, she seemed nice enough, and understanding, and said there was nothing written down, from the intake nurse, about why I was "high risk". Interesting. So I told her about everything all over again. Another doctor pops her head around the corner and the first one goes outside to talk with her and then they came back in together. The one doctor said she was going to be in charge of my care and the two of them were tag-teaming for that visit.

The first thing the second doctor barks at me, is how all of my injuries are, "unfortunately", common results of pregnancy.

I just stared at her.

What happened to me was NOT "common" and it did NOT have to happen. They knew ahead of time that I needed a C-section, and because they chose to force it, we were injured.

She went on about the tailbone and said it heals over time. I told her it CAN'T heal because it is displaced. Then I said, what about the disc and she stalled and asked if I had records for that. She said they'd just have to sign me up with physical therapy to do stretches and exercises to manage the pain. Idiot. You don't "manage" broken bones and herniated discs, with stretches. Then, she goes over my history, where I had included the fact they'd had to give me morphine and stuff for my migraines in the past, and I admitted to trying marijuana and found it worked, LATER, and this doctor says to me:

"Because of your history of morphine use and marijuana, I'm going to have to ask for a tox screen." I said, "What? That morphine was PRESCRIBED, by DOCTORS, to treat my migraines." I told her I didn't use it on my own, or at home, or anything. She just repeated what she said. I almost burst into tears and jumped off the table in my dressing gown, and started collecting my clothes. I told them I could not believe what they were saying, that because I'd followed a treatment or prescription plan, I was considered to be a drug user of "morphine". I told them I could understand pot, because it was done on my own, even though it works and all migraine sufferers should use it. Both doctors said I was free to leave, and that I would get the same thing wherever I went.

I said, "Oh really?! So do you do "tox screens" on women after they have an epidural?" She said, no, because that was for surgery. I said, "And do you do "tox screens" on women after they have injuries from surgeries or are recovering?" The answer was no again. But these fuckers thought it was appropriate to "tox screen" someone who had to take morphine, on doctors orders, at a controlled hospital setting. It was prejudice. And obviously, they weren't listening to me. They were treating me like a drug user when they had no basis for doing so.

I told them I wasn't probably going to continue with them, because of this, but PLEASE, go ahead and feel free to do their "tox screen" on the urine sample I had already provided.

Oh, this doctor ALSO told me, when I told her the discharge gushing out was not "gelatinous" but fluid water, she tells me that normal discharge BECOMES "watery" when it's in the vagina.

Which is flat-out ridiculous. The water gushing out was happening when I was walking around at work. There was no liquifying of "discharge" while I was sitting at rest. It was gushing out. And it still does, usually when I'm standing or walking long.

The last stupid thing she said was with regard to my periods. I told her about how my regular 5 day cycle had gone from my having to use a whole box of Tampax, to dwindling to only using 2 tampons at all, and not even having to use those ones because there was barely anything. What does she say? She tells me I must be getting back to good health or "to normal". I repeat, "normal", for me, since I was 13 years old, has been at least 5 days, and having to use a whole box. There was never a change until 8 months ago or so. I thought her explanation was idiotic.

When I asked her about complications from prolapse, she said it was just going to get worse in pregnancy and that there was nothing to do about it until after I delivered. She said if my back hurt, I could use a pessary. I said to here, "Well yes, because I certaintly wouldn't want to miscarry on account of a worsening prolapse." She just looked at me, uncomfortably for a moment. Hmm...she was probably thinking...she knows about miscarriage risks from prolapse...hmmm....

I stared at the strings around her neck, which attached to her ID cards, and they said, "Army wife, army wife, army wife, army wife, army wife."

Just what every pregnant woman needs. An Army Wife.

Finally, the other doctor, the first one who came in, came back to me later and asked if I was taking any meds, and what they were, and a number of other questions and then she tells me she wants to schedule me for a neurology consultation.

This is after I saw their referral for a "social worker" and I said firmly: "I don't WANT a social worker." So they crossed it out and wrote: "declined".

She said she wanted a neurology consult to help me figure out what to use for migraine during pregnancy, that's not harmful. I told them I hadn't been having migraines as badly and that I only had to take Advil, twice. I tried Tylenol first, and it didn't work. So at first I thought this was a good idea, until I realized they were also telling me to "drink lots of water" and "eliminate stress" as if that was going to cure or help migraine. That might help "tension headaches", not migraines. So then she says she thinks I need it anyway, because I had mentioned one doctor thought I had clusters for awhile. I told her, maybe so, but I already had neurology exams, and I knew there were migraines, because I responded immediately to ERGOTAMINE, which is effective for migraines, not clusters. I don't have off-and-on sharp stabbing pains. I have severe migraines. I've had them for over 10 years, and I've done tons of research, and stop fucking undermining what I say I know about my own fucking body.

She decided she wanted to argue with me, and insisted that they could be "clusters" because they were piercing behind my eye. I told her migraines pierce behind the eye too. So she just tries to talk over me, and gets more insistent, and then leaves.

Who really wants this "neurology consult" and for what purpose anyway? Why can some people not simply accept the fact that I GET MIGRAINES?!!!!????!!!!

So I decided then and there, there was not going to be any trip to see any "psychiatrist".

Number one, they didn't listen to me. Number two, I was already finding chart notes that were not translating what I said correctly (and, by the way, I did tape record secretly). Number three, they wanted to argue with me and didn't respect the fact that I did research too, and knew my own body. Number four, stupid comments came from one of the doctor's mouth. Number five, they organized consults with a social worker, a psychiatrist, and a neurologist, but did NOTHING about my broken bones situation.

Why didn't they schedule a consult with a bone specialist? Instead, they're sending me to some stupid physical therapy that does NOTHING FOR fractures and bone injuries. They could have scheduled a consult with an osteopath, but no. I asked for an MRI and they said maybe in a month after they received other records. Yeah. After my "psych eval".

I also wondered about the fact that the Army Wife was going to be following my care the whole time, when everyone else gets doctors that switch off an on. She and I did not see eye to eye on things.

I left, almost in tears, because I knew my baby was not going to get reasonable care and that going there would be putting myself and my baby, and our chances of staying together, at risk.

I also looked up treatments for cluster headaches. Why did they want me to have "clusters" so badly? Why can't people accept that I have migraines? With Wenatchee, they wanted to claim it was all "tension headaches" but after they were proven wrong, I think some people wanted to change things around a little.

Migraines are treated with a variety of things, including ergotamine and narcotics. Clusters are best treated with...Well, just GUESS what the remedy of choice is for clusters everyone?!


I am getting the hell OUT of this country.


  1. Cameo,
    I told myself I wasn’t going to reply again to what you have to say on your blog. However, I changed my mind when I read this one.
    When I go to my regular doctor, the procedure is to ask me for a list of prescribed, over the counter, herbal, naturopathic, whatever, medications, vitamins and all that I take every day, once a week, whenever. When I went the last time, I had a questionnaire to fill out about family medical history and my medical history. I have been going to this same doctor for 18+ years and I still have this history to fill out or they will ask me about medical history. It is to make sure they have things in their file so they have my complete medical history.
    I have found through experience going to same day care or the ER is not always a good idea. I have been misdiagnosed big time at same day care (that is suppose to be so great). ER doesn’t always get it right either. That is why, I figure, I have a regular doctor I can go to and he knows my medical facts. You go regularly to the same doctor so you can “get onto the same page” for medical treatment but it takes more than one or two visits.
    The first time I went to my doctor, I was called by my full name. It was after I had seen the doctor they noted in my chart to call me by “Pat.” I have quite often asked to be called “Pat” instead of “Patricia” but they won’t make a note of that until after seeing who I’ve asked to see. They use your legal name, standard procedure.
    Herniated discs are treated with stretching, physical therapy. Yes, they are very painful but physical activity, physical therapy are recommended for herniated discs. Fractures and broken bones heal over time unless you have a new fracture or broken bone.
    The suggestion of going to a psychiatrist isn’t unusual if you have been physically or sexually assaulted. I don’t care if it’s been 25 years since you were physically or sexually assaulted, go to a new doctor and it will still be offered. The mental health of a patient is just as important as the physical health of a patient if you have a good doctor.
    “Tag teaming” isn’t unusual and sometimes I find one of the two has more insight than the other but then the other one might come up with a better treatment or even nontreatment. You keep an open mind and see if anything they say will work for you.
    The social services is offered if you don’t have medical insurance, if you don’t have a job, if you don’t have this or that. They are services offered to make your life easier, less stressful, especially while you are pregnant. Single mothers are always offered social services, it’s not unusual. When I was pregnant with Danielle, since we didn’t have health insurance, social services was automatically written in. You have to specifically request you don’t want that, otherwise it is written in.
    Cameo, the health of your baby is important. Your mental health is important, your physical health is important. Being pregnant can sometimes keep a person from seeing things logically, you can be more emotional. What you went through at your appointment could possibly be distorted from that and so things seemed worse than they really were, hormones do weird things to a person. I’m not saying all of it was right, I’m not saying all of it was wrong. I’m saying quite a bit of what you wrote is standard procedure, what most any doctor’s office would do or suggest.
    I’m not telling you what to do, I’m just sharing with you my experience(s) with doctors.

    PS It’s very difficult finding a doctor who is willing to listen to you, to work with you as far as treatment, that you are comfortable with.

  2. Pat,

    You write a huge letter and at the end, again affirm your belief that my perceptions are "distorted".

    If I had you for a doctor, you would be just as useless as these ones were. I wasn't at ER here, I was establishing care, and these doctors were fucking idiots. Especially the "Army Wife". For one thing, take pride in your position as "Medical Professional" or "Doctor". Seeing a female doctor wearing an ID collar with "Army Wife" all over it reeks of patriarchy and a backwards mentality altogether. When is the last time you saw a male Doctor with a string around his neck that said "Secretaries Husband", unless it's intended as a total JOKE?

    This woman doesn't know her own value, and advertises this to me, as she's saying stupid things at the same time: "I'm going to have to tox screen you" because of MORHINE I was PRESCRIBED to take for treatment for migraine. I wasn't self injecting fucking morphine.

    There was ZERO cause to treat me or ANYONE like a drug user or seeker, for this, and she automatically lost all my trust at that. I didn't ASK GOD, "Please God, give me migraines so I can suffer horribly and be forced to require narcotics for pain because nothing else works."

    She also was an idiot about women's reproductive systems. She was trying to tell me that NOT having my periods, and/or having only one day of period, which wasn't enough to fill a regular sized tampon halfway, is NORMAL. I wasn't having "normal" periods for 8 months and before that, they WERE normal, and never varied. They had been consistent since I was 13 and this idiot was telling me I was "abnormal" before?

    She didn't treat me for yeast when I'd had it since the last ER at their hospital. It had been over a month, and could have been causing a WORSE infection, which could have been why I was passing all this water, because maybe my body was trying to flush out an infection...She didn't even write a prescription, and just told me to buy it myself over the counter, when I still have it systemically, because I got the "thrush rash" on my breasts again, along with the yeast, when it had been treated and non-existent for over a year.

    Knowing you and your family, you were hoping I'd have a baby and then take THAT one from me as well, and since you tried to take Oliver last time, and I protested and Holly got him, you thought you could pipe up to get my next baby, because I'm not, according to you, fit to be a mother. Your own husband has contributed to slander against me and should still be sued, and I plan to sue all family responsible for any part of what has happened.

    Don't tell me what I should "feel" when it comes to pain, about my own body. I know how I feel, and I feel my pain accurately. If I had such distorted ideas about what works, ergotamine, which is non-narcotic, in Canada, wouldn't have WORKED. I would still be clamoring for narcotics if I was so "drug seeking" or lying and saying it didn't work.

    It FUCKING WORKED. Which proves I have FUCKING migraines and was refused treatment for YEARS, by Wenatchee "professionals".

    I know my pregnancy pain this time around, was NOT normal, and something was wrong, and I tried to tell the doctors, and they didn't listen to me. I wasn't even checked for the prolapse I told these doctors I had, which could have been why my back and total pain was so great, forcing me to SIT at WORK, because I was in pain, and to take ADVIL, which isn't recommended in pregnancy, because TYLENOL didn't work and I tried it first. I only took Advil a few times, but it's still not good, and yet I had no options because number ONE, Wenathcee doctors ruined my body, and it could and should have been prevented, and number TWO, doctors following, didn't listen to me because Wenatchee kept me from getting diagnostics I needed to assess my injuries.

    I could have carried this baby to term if I had not had the severe pain I had, at only 1-2 months of pregnancy, which wasn't normal, and which was and is a result of what they did to me in Wenatchee.

    I don't blame the doctors who tried an MRI. I blame Wenatchee.

    They have always been at fault, and knew it, and now they have another strike against them.
