Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prenatal Tests and What I Want

I just found out there are two inexpensive tests which can be done to check for amniotic fluid leakage: the nitrazine test and the fern test.

Nitrazine tests alkalinity and the fern test checks appearance under a microscope.

I don't know why this wasn't done or wasn't brought up. First I get a wrong translation of what I reported, and then I was told it was just discharge that was liquifying, which makes absolutely no sense when you're standing upright and walking around--it doesn't have a chance to liquify.

I saw my baby on ultrasound again today and this one had very low resolution. They couldn't pick up the heartbeat by the heart monitor thing so they did a quick ultrasound and pointed out the heart. I do feel flutters, and I've done research and know it's possible this early, but the baby wasn't moving again when we saw it today. I didn't feel it moving either, but this time it looked like it was curled up more. Mabye bc of resolution.

I think, given what I've reported, they should be doing the simple tests I've mentioned above, at the least.

I am not going to do a neurology or psychiatric consult or take any of their other services, though I may be open to it after they do an MRI and if they refer me to an osteopath. If they're not listening to me, this is just going to be a repeat of what happened in Wenatchee. Everything that happened there could have been prevented if they had listened to me, believed me, and taken proper precautions.

I want an MRI, a consult with an osteopath, tests for amniotic fluid leakage, and then maybe we'll talk about the psychiatrist and the neurology consult.

And, just don't bother arguing with me. If I'm wrong, and you're right, point me towards the research and I'll read up on it. But most likely, I've already done the reading.

Oh, and guess what...remember how I wrote I thought I had a yeast infection and I got that tinea versicolor rash at the same time, all over again?

I was riiiiigggghtt (said in a sing-song voice). The lab came back positive and I still have the versicolor.

It went away after I was treated with an oral medicine and came back with yeast infection.

And my son has NEVER been treated for his yeast problem. It's harder to detect in boys too, but no one in Wenatchee will ever care.

The tinea versicolor occured after thrush, and once again, same pattern.


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