Friday, December 26, 2008

The Man on the Street Is Isolated

I have five different clients who want me to find work for them. And others who have left messages.

One problem, I'm finding, is that while all these guys have all permits to work, at least one or two came to me with a driver's license, a SS card, and yet didn't have, and I didn't know you have to have, an authorization from Homeland Security to work. That card alone costs $500. That's $500 these guys do not have.

SO one guy needs work and really wants to get started, but he can't even afford the $500 to get what he needs to work legally.

It takes money to make money.

After all of these corporate welfare "bail outs", it makes me very angry that those guys are given taxpayer money, in the billions, and yet the man "on the street" (as Diana would say) is given nothing. And it's a lot harder to work your way up, when you have nothing, and most of these people have done nothing wrong, while the corporations squandered their money and used fraudulent means to inflate their bottom line.

I watched Princess Diana on "Diana Revealed" and then read about Eva Peron, and that's the sort of woman I'd like to be. Someone who works for the people, not the "establishment".

I have already been punished, for trying to speak up for myself and for the public. But I hope someday, enough people will help me to accomplish some great things. And I do mean to include the international community in my efforts.

It's very sad though, that the state and CPS have taken advantage of my PTSD and lack of money, to force me to either be pro se when they knew it wasn't possible for me to get things done because of trauma from their taking my son, or to go with public defenders that did nothing at all, and only prejudiced my case.

That Cassel, and those public is very bad for people in the system in Wenatchee. I'm sure it's difficult other places too, but I wouldn't believe anyone in prison or jail, who went through the Wenatchee system, got a fair trial or adequate and reasonable representation. Just imagine...all of those people accused of sexually abusing children...their own churches didn't stand up for them. They all would still be in jail besides, if a reporter from out of the area hadn't begun to investigate. That reporter actually cried, and said, "they're putting innocent people in jail." He knew, and saw the documentation, and yet CPS and Wenatchee had to be right and wouldn't admit they were wrong. But what if that reporter had never gone to Wenatchee? and then the story hadn't been picked up by other papers? Would the Innocence Project still be working on these cases? No one would have ever known.
It would have been a missed miscarriage, and parents and children would still be separated, and some are anyway, because their kids were adopted out from under them while they were in jail, falsely imprisoned.

How do you fight something like that? If it happened to this large group of parents, you know it's happening every single day, to individuals. And no one stands up for them. They are lost in the shadows.

Yet we stand by, as the same people who put Judges on the bench, get their "bail outs" and corporations continue to make policies that benefit them. We stand by as Wenatchee continues to violate rules, policy, and procedure, and never rally together to demand accountability. We do not protest, we do not pool our monies and resources, we stand alone.

That's how they like it my friends, they want every one of us to suffer alone, and to think we're alone. They want us to be isolated from one another. They put so much garbage on our tables, it is nearly impossible to find time to even organize and gather together to fight anything.

So what do you do?

How long, will American citizens stand by, as the government picks and chooses who will "make it" in America. As the government and people working for the government in small towns, pick and choose whose rights to respect?

Somehow, at some point, we have to put our heads together. We have to trust eachother enough, regardless of race and religion, to come together for the sake of the POOR, to establish our natural rights, our inalienable rights. We have been alienated from our rights, and from eachother, and as I struggle with my own case, completely alone, you struggle on your own too. Or maybe you have family but no one has money or you're afraid the penalties will be worse if you don't go along.

There are many cowards in this country, poor, middle class, and rich. We have to find those who are willing to take a stand.

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