Thursday, December 25, 2008

Symptoms & Signs of Magnetic Pulse Exposure (me and my son)

I am just going to list the symptoms I reported at that time, which magnetic pulse would cover, if it is true there was a magnetic pulse:

1. ability to hack on computers, even my desktop, with a kind of remote control access and ability to turn things off and on that I manually switched off (overriding it),

2. ability for battery operated toys to go off on their own. not moving, but playing music and things,

3. severe electrical surges causing brown outs and lights to dim and then come back on,

4. cat acting aggressively and flinching as if it's backbone hurt if you touched it. the kitten went from being loving to scratching and almost biting if you touched it on the back. it had diarrhea excessively and was always extremely thirsty. after i wrote about the effects of the cat on my blog, the cat went missing from my grandparents house,

5. my son's inability to speak. this strong of pulse would disrupt brainwaves and make it impossible, but he would be able to slowly restore speech after being away from this,

6. my son's severe stomach pain which he would bend over in pain with and stretch out crying over. my grandfather witnessed this, see further explanation below:

7. my son's nails and my nails were warped. we were eating well and the same things as usual, but our nails, on both of us, warped and people noticed this especially on my son's toenails, and my fingernails. magnetic pulse would dry the nails and warp them from the disturbance of balance, over a period of at least a couple of months

8. extreme pain i had which was uncontrolled by narcotics, in my spine and pelvis, to a weakening where i could hardly move, to where i quit writing on my blog even though i was trying to force myself, despite the extreme pain, and the inability for me to even formulate sentences at the end,

9. benign muscle fasciculations constant at night, in me and my son, with my son's arm raising on it's own when he was asleep and jerking. then, he and i would both awake at the same time, after feeling a shock of pain, for me, in the head and stomach which could have been a very minor seizure, and a magnetic pulse will cause this, because it warms the muscles and they twitch

10. i began having severe seizures when i'm predisposed to them and pulse would trigger these,

11. i lost my periods. i went from normal cycles to not having my period at ALL, until i was in Canada, then i had one or two full periods like a dam broke and then they tapered away to almost nothing over 8 months, more info below:

12. i wasn't growing hair on my body, such as legs, which could have been a result of the effects of this pulse on the pituitary or hormone producing parts of the brain,

13. the only time my son and i felt some relief was immersed in water. it is proven that a magnetic pulse is blocked by water. which is probably why this was more effective than any narcotic,

14. my migraines totally went away. a magnetic pulse gets rid of migraine in those who have them. it will trigger seizure, but it stops migraine,

15. i felt, literally, "pulsing" pains which felt like a pulse coming and going,

16. my low alkaline phostphate and glucose and abnormally low (had to be treated) potassium and low white blood cell count, indicated a problem,

17. i and my son had serious diarrhea, but i noticed it much more in me, and the cat for some reason. i noticed the cat because it was always going, and then started not using the litterbox as it couldn't make to the litterbox in time. as for me, it happened after a seizure primarily,

18. my severe stomach pain, which matched what my son seemed to have. it was unbelievable and getting worse. Once at home, i passed blanched body tissue into the toilet. it also happened at ER in Canada, where a nurse saw it and thought i'd miscarried. I wasn't having sex at all, so I wasn't miscarrying. it wasn't endometriosis because recent MRI showed no endometriosis, and magnetic pulse would cause severe stomach pain because of basically cooking you from the inside, as an MRI specialist told me,which would explain why blanched white tissue came out of my body as well,

19. stomach pain worsened with the "gravel" from the whole DHE IV combo, very severe burning where i'd felt the pain previously, like on fire or chemical burning. afterwards, i passed the tissue from my body,

20. i do not have normal periods. i have periods, in the last several months, that don't even cause use of one tampon. seizures and a magnetic pulse affect the pituitary gland of the brain and can cause early perimenopause, which is what i have. you can still get pregnant in perimenopause.

21. my migraines returned when i left for Canada. i had my first one in months, in Canada at their ER, after wondering what had happened to them,

22 my son's speech is still not normal. he's still having problems and considering his progress before and where he was at at 14 months of age or so, it's not normal. it's not normal for him, and he KNOWS. i talked to him about it and he just listened to me and held my hand. i told him, "honey, i know you want to say things nd you know what you want to say but it's hard to say it right now, huh? i know how smart you are honey, and something has happened ,but it will be okay because mama's going to find a doctor for you to help us fix it, okay? and mama will show you how to talk with your hands too, okay sweetie? don't worry. i know you know, you're a very smart boy." my son looked at me with the greatest appreciation and he, i could see in his eyes UNDERSTOOD. he KNEW he had been able to speak well before and now he tried and COULDN'T,

23. a strange burn mark on my son under his diaper which I took him to see a doctor for and which peeled like a sunburn. the doctor said it was nothing to be worried about, but it was odd.

24. i have low red blood cell count, and hemoglobin, now, but high hemocrit. i was taking a high iron supplement and i eat meat. there is no excuse for low red blood cell count unless something was severely depleted and still being restored now,

25. christmas lights were melting on the tree, the plastic was melting on its own and i had to return them to wal-mart and i used my name when i returned them. also, my space heater began to melt and i had to throw it outside. it could have been someone was using a pulse to find something turned on, thinking it was a computer to ruin, but it happened to be something else. i have no idea. but my computer also began to burn and it splattered ink out the back from the motherboard. all of these things happened at the same time of my and my son's health problems

I have more points to add here, but before I forget, because this came to mind...

I developed pinguecula of the eyes while I still lived in Oregon, and I've always wondered what this is from. It happened almost overnight and I thought it was weird. This was sometime after my friend died in the car accident. I can't remember if it happened after I met the monks or not. It was at my first eye appointment in Tualatin that it was noted, and it had occured sometime before I went in there. Anyway. Not that it goes in this post at all, but note to myself, for moving later.

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