Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Extreme Emails and Reactions (May 13, 2008)

Here, is an example of crazy sounding things I wrote, but I remember what was happening at that time. I had been provoked and ignored for over TWO months by the state, and then I was ignored by my public defender for almost ONE month as I was blocked from being able to see my son because of disability.

I do remember, I was so desperate to do anything for my son, and after being ignored, I posted the swinger information online. Only THEN did Cassel respond. I thought too, that if these guys thought I was going to sue them by getting a rich sugardaddy to help me win, they would treat me better and work harder.

But no one was on my side from the start. My public defender wasn't on my side and ignored me. The state harassed me and lied to me and then expected me to act normal, knowing all along what they were doing. They intentionally tried to provoke me and cause emotional distress.

I suffered, knowing my son was suffering and no one did anything. I put my son first and tried so hard, to visit him right away and CPS stalled and delayed. Then I was refused all requests for discovery and vistitation notice and then my own public defender did NOTHING as my son was depressed and I heard him sobbing and my aunt even told me this.

So yes, my emails at this juncture, sound "out there". But I was literally desperate for my son, and these bastards purposefully kept him from me and mocked me and my physical disabilities, and lied, repeatedly.

My son suffered immensely because of them, and this caused me to react in such extremes that I actually DID sign up to try to find someone to help me. When it came down to it, I couldn't do it. The person I came closest to taking on as a sugardaddy was a psychiatrist I dated who did contract work for the FBI. He was the best personality match, but I couldn't "go there" even though I tried to, just for my son. I exhausted every possible avenue, and this is after a major letdown by my family and my mothers refusal to even give me emails that I'd sent, showing what my son's development was like. If anyone looks at the long line of emails, it is clear there was nothing wrong with me until I was purposefully provoked and harassed, already being vulnerable by the traumatic removal of my son. And yet, no "seizures" in the middle of this harassment. If those seizures had been psuedo-seizures, I would have been having them at this time and I didn't, because what happened to me and my son at the time we had the health problems, really happened and the only thing to explain every single symptom is magnetic pulse:

My New Job‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Tue 5/13/08 2:26 PM
Ooops. I think I said sugardaddy, but funny thing, I'll also be working for him as an assistant which is the primary reason why I get paid, with perks... And we all know a mind is a terrible thing to waste--especially a mind like mine. I'll be doing research. I've done excellent work in the past, withOUT being paid. So, of course, I have to be paid for my work, and I'm pedaling my mind out to the highest bidder whom I also happen to have an incredible chemistry with. Men go for the "best deal" when it comes to women, and so should we.

Find a law against that. Find a rule that says this makes me an unfit mother.

If I marry such a person, does that suddenly "change" the arrangement? Every woman who goes into a marriage should have a prenup and be paid if she's staying at home. She gets paid, in my book, for her work, and she gets promotions. Negotiable means the rules can change. If she wants to work outside of the home, fine. But if he wants her to work at home, he pays her the standard rate for housekeeping, yard maintenance, nanny, personal assistant work, and everything that goes with it.

Oh, well now that would be almost like an arranged marriage. It would be strange if arranged marriages were acceptable, but not arranged personal assistant/sugardaddy relationships.

If I have to live in another STATE for my job and sugardaddy, and FLY into Wenatchee or ANY part of Washington, to deal with "the department", no one will be happy with the end results.

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