Thursday, December 25, 2008

Marie from CPS Finally Responds To Abuse Report (March 31, 2008)

Well, Marie, I wouldn't HAVE to send 40 reminder emails about my son's welfare, corporal punishment, and the fucking DISCOVERY requests, if you were responding and actually taking care of these things. This woman is a trip. She actually JUSTIFIES herself for not paying attention to these things. And then, my GOD, CPS writes that THEY NOW KNOW my aunt didn't even think slapping my son's hands was "wrong" or that she couldn't do it. This begs the question...what else were they doing to my son? I didn't HIT my son. BUT the STATE took my son away from a loving mother who is an excellent parent, and GAVE HIM to people who fit the definition for comitting child abuse. They're fucking hitting my son, and wondering why he's acting out and traumatized, when he knew his mama never did this to him.

RE: Foster Parenting‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/31/08 9:06 PM
To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (

They've already been approved as foster parents. I need to know who to make a complaint to, or give notice to. I want to be sure Pablo knows not to hit Oliver either. Have you asked about that?

> Subject: RE: Foster Parenting
> Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:24:32 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Cameo,
> You have sent me about 40 emails since Saturday, March 22. I cannot
> respond to each and every issue that you bring up every time. It is
> difficult for me to keep track of all the things you have a problem with
> when I get that many emails from you over a short period of time. I
> have other cases and I cannot neglect them in order to respond to each
> of your emails.
> I talked with Holly about swatting Oliver's hand and she did not know
> that she wasn't supposed to do that and she has stopped.
> Anything having to do with your Uncle is not my problem at this time. I
> do not handle licensing of foster parents. If they are pursuing
> becoming foster parents, I will let you know who you need to talk to.
> Have a great day!
> Marie Scanlon
> Social Worker III
> Wenatchee DCFS
> (509) 667-6142
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cam huegenot []
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 5:01 PM
> To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA)
> Subject: Foster Parenting
> Marie,
> I have not heard from you regarding the corporal punishment issue of my
> son at the Avila's, or anything back about my uncle Loren's assault of
> me and his and his wife's approval to be foster parents.
> I told you I need to know who to submit a concerned complaint to,
> regarding my uncle, and to refuse to even address this, makes CPS appear
> negligent.
> Cameo

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