Thursday, December 25, 2008

Another Request to Beaty For File (March 31, 2008)

Immediate Return of Legal Documents‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/31/08 5:37 PM

Mr. Beaty,

As you know, several weeks ago, you breached confidentiality and contacted both AG Tomas Caballero and the Wenatchee PD Paul Cassell without my permission (sending Caballero a fax before submitting it to me first, and then asking Cassell about representing me when I NEVER agreed to this and expressly stated I did NOT want Wenatchee PD).

At this juncture, you attempted to pressure me and my mother, last minute, to taking Wenatchee PD. You gave me zero forewarning or notice, telling me ONE day before I was to go to Wenatchee for the hearing.

Since then, you have not returned to me a copy of my file, or any of the medical records I gave you.

I want ALL of the medical records I gave you, and everything from the legal file, to be mailed to my home address. Not post office box, but home address, and I need this ASAP. I have to use medical records on behalf of my son to even get necessary services from him.

I also want a full copy of the court proceedings in this dependency as I am notifying ADA about it for them to monitor.

I will not be at a computer necessarily tomorrow, as I go to Wenatchee. Please confirm, by email, that you have put all materials in the mail to me by tomorrow.

Thanks. Good luck to your daughter with her migraines. As for you, it's probably time for you to get back to the confessional, isn't it? You screwed me. Good job.


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