Thursday, December 25, 2008

Telling Tomas Caballero to Fuck Off (March 31, 2008)

This is what the state wanted. I was polite and tried to cooperate with them and yet they refused to give me notice about catching a bus, visitation, switched schedules for visitation last minute, never told me what hotel I was staying in, told me to sleep in a homeless shelter, asked me to miss my bus home if I wanted discovery from them, and refused multiple requests for discovery and attention to my son and my reports of concern. So after I ask, for TWO MONTHS, politely, I finally, as they knew I would, get fed up. They purposefully provoked me and wanted me to lose it, and I was the one who was being honest, when they were lying to me, and protecting their own interests:

Representing Myself‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/31/08 6:07 PM
To: (

As a pro se litigant, who is supposedly required to meet all procedural and substantive standards, this would also imply that in exchange I receive every and any benefit of a lawyer, to free and full access to the law and considerations.

Which would include allowing me time to prepare for preliminary fact finding before going forward, as I have spent my time looking for representation and not brushing up on the facts of this case, nor have I received complete and full discovery for this case, as regards my son's medical records and other things.

Therefore, I have the right to continuance, as I know Paul Cassell, PD, would argue he needs, or any private practice attorney would request.

If you require me to meet all the "standards" and yet deny me the same benefits, you prejudice and discriminate against me, preventing me from fair and full hearing and adequate time for preparation of my own defense.

I want to remind you of this, and I would remind a judge of this fact as well. If you will not allow leniency in my pleadings, you cannot also allow leniency in your treatment of me, and I will hold you to all ethical, procedural, and substantive standards.

I know Mr. Beaty was going to ask the court to put off fact finding for at months, in order to prepare and have testing done. I will ask for the same, representing myself. I'm not asking for time for a crash course in dependency law, I'm asking for the same reasonable length of time any lawyer would request to prepare their case. If I asked a PD to represent me last minute, he would ask the court to put off preliminary fact finding for himself, and I will do the same and will demand every advantage given to a regular attorney.

You can and will need to think of me as an attorney, and not your mentally ill subject. You will also be required to treat me with respect, instead of the way you and CPS have treated me so far.

I need to know what witnesses you plan to call to the NEXT hearing.

By the way, FUCK YOU, since it's probably the last time I'll be able to tell you to fuck off and get away with it. From the time I tell the judge I represent myself, you can find out for yourself whether or not I have Tourette's. Fucker.



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