Thursday, December 11, 2008

Marijuana Advertising Lie

I have to point out, as I was waiting my turn on the computer, I was watching T.V. and this ad came on with two teenage girls smoking pot and a little child watching through a crack in the door. The announcer said: "Smoking weed hurts more than just you."

Okay, you know what I want? I want a split screen on this, and I'll be the actress for the other side, and I want the camera to focus in on me in a dark room with my head on a rock, and a finger behind my eye, and then in the middle of the night, telling my roommate my feet are in scalding water at 3 a.m. because of my migraine, and then me getting tons of shots to the back of my head, and fitted with an oxygen mask. Then, my friends calling eachother saying "She's not going out with us tonight", and my employers saying, "Shit! We have to find a replacement. She's out sick again," and then the ER workers with their hands on their hips, yelling they're not getting paid enough to treat the "drug seeking" patient, as their certification for top level hospital gets stripped out from underneath them.

MY CAPTION, for MY side of the screen, will say: "NOT smoking weed hurts more than just me".

I do not, and would not, use it just for fun, personally. It's not "fun" for me anyway, and I don't like the short term memory problem effect. But how DARE someone PAY for an ad like that, which is totally misleading to the public, when I KNOW, for a FACT, that smoking even a tiny bit of "weed" can save fucking lives and help people to get their life BACK. Not to mention, benefit the economy.

It is morally and ethically WRONG to withhold such a cure, and it's PROVEN, from the public.

The U.S. federal government MUST reverse their position or it will lose credibility within the scientific community and with the public. When more migraine sufferers try it and find the don't have excruciating migraine anymore, what will all those people think?

This is a medicine that not only works for things like glaucoma, it works for migraine, and there is tons of research from the late 1800s to back this up, and I am a modern day converted believer as well. It takes me, at my weight and height, with my small frame, only about an 1/8 or a 1/4 of a joint per month to completely be RID of 6 days worth PER MONTH, of migraine pain.

And get our fucking soldiers, who have migraine, on this stuff when they're in active duty. Do want your soldier on DOPAMAX which clinically is proven to SLOW down your brain and reactions, every day, or do you want them to be fully functional after having only a half hour to an hour of a buzz, a couple times a month, with zero side effects?

Sorry, Bob isn't driving the tank today. Can't. He has a migraine.

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