Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chris Warner ( D. C. Cocaine King?)

Okay, I'm feeling it. I'm telling it.

I thought about what I said, about how I write about everybody, but I realized, it's not true.

I don't write about those who are my friends. I haven't revealed details about a friend I've had since I was 15, or one I've had since I was 16, or even others who are no longer friends, but out of respect for what we once had, I don't write about them.

I guess, really, it's just the privileged few that get to be a part of the spectacle.

Chris Warren (correction--it's Warner, not Warren, wherever Warren is written) should be included. This is the guy I was supposedly going to be renting a place from, who set me up to lose my other place and then tell me last minute, with Spiderwoman in on everything, that he had nothing available and he texted me a very nasty text. For no reason whatever. He came to me, through Spiderwoman, with the place, I didn't ask for it.

I think they just wanted to find a way to get me out of town or go back to Wenatchee. Neither cared what happened to me.

Anyway, that guy, Chris Warren, is one to watch. Not as in, up-and-coming, but not a safe person. Chris Dabney would go to the bar where Warren bartends, and end up totally soaking wet drunk, to where I think he's almost killed himself from overdrinking. And this guy, Warren, will do whatever. He does drugs, which I don't have a problem with, except that I think he's irresponsible and doesn't care what happens to others. He took advantage of a friend of mine when she was totally drunk, and he wasn't, and we stayed at his place. I opened the door, there it was in front of me, and I walked out. I didn't say anything or know what to say. I thought she would be ashamed if I did say anything, and thought too, maybe he'd ended up drinking more himself. I don't know.

All I know, is that Dabney said he tipped the guy really well in the beginning, and ever since, he's had a constant hook-up. Free drinks into oblivion.

Meanwhile, I'm there and it's almost closing, and the known cocaine dealer is there, who is really sketchy and sort of cartoonish, but actually is probably the nicer guy of some of them there.

I don't have a problem with drinking or getting drunk, but I see people taking advantage of others and that's what pisses me off. After Dabney kept coming home totally wasted, and finding out it was usually Chris that kept fillin' 'er up, I almost walked over to one of two of the bars Warren works at, and told him if he didn't stop, I was reporting him to the liquor board.

I told Dabney I was reporting him, the last time I worked with him, or the time before last, if he took the margarita that was poured for him, when he was about to break his abstinence streak because he was upset and stressed out. He was so pissed when I tossed that drink out. He went in the back and smoked on a joint instead, and I didn't say anything. He's not addicted to pot and hardly smokes it at all. He was addicted to alcohol and it's better for him to temporarily replace an addiction with something else, in the short term, was my feeling.

Anyway, Chris Warren may have been pissed, trying to help out Spiderwoman, or he may have read my blog and been pissed, because he's Catholic. I don't know.

Chris Dabney is baptized Catholic, which I didn't think was a big deal, but I guess I'll never know really, and the last 2 men I've been (for any length of time, before Dabney) with were baptized Catholic. I didn't hold it against anyone, but the truth is, I wonder where Dabney was getting his info about me.

I also wondered sometimes, if he wasn't FBI and getting his info that way, he was with some drug group where someone knew me, and then, who knows, maybe military or a mercenary or something. I don't know, because of the 1 hour ahead thing on his Blackberry, which I caught and it wasn't around daylight change time and I'd looked at it before and it was correct. Also, because he was always taking in JAG and other military women hook ups. I think he does something with computers too. I don't know what.

Anyway, I don't think Warren is such a great guy. Not only was he inexplicably rude and mean to me, and purposefully set me up, he enables others to the point that they are dangerously intoxicated.

He worked at Fox & Hound and someplace off of 18th.

Shoot me sistah.

I had thought if I kept to myself, I could handle just renting space from him, and he had this great music collection. But after what he did, I just thought it was bizarre and unfounded. He purposefully dragged and led me on to think I had a place and then jerked the rug out. Why? It's just not a good sign of character. It's one thing to never offer, or to innocently change one's mind, but that's not what happened.

I kept asking Dabney, "Who is giving you all these drinks?" I wanted to know who was responsible and wasn't cutting him off when it was clear he had a drinking problem. He would stagger in, I mean, STAGGER, and no one else heard what I heard, at night, when he wasn't even breathing normally. It could have been just "whiskey" like he said, or a cocaine/whiskey combo. Because I think about the blood all over the pillow and how high his body temperature was.

Also, I don't know if she reads my blog ever, but I've written about that Russian girl, and I'm not going to name her, the woman who insulted "Oregon" taste in art, who I met through Dabney. I got over being mad at her and have no problem with her, but this is for her, if she's reading, because her arms looked horrible and it was clear she was doing a lot more meth or something than when I first met her. When I first met her, she was probably doing drugs, but she didn't look like this. Now, she's all marked up, face and arms, from it. And she's a beautiful and smart girl, and shouldn't be doing this to herself. I guess she was just doing lines and meth out in the open with total strangers, at her place, and while I really DO think there should be a Netherlands approach in the U.S., I hope for her that she will go to rehab. She has a better future than that.

I just don't like to see people going in over their heads and no one is reaching in to help them back out. And I don't like governmental hypocrisy, with Judges and lawyers and police doing drugs and then charging others with petty crime, or getting involved themselves, and turning the justice system into one of bribes and dirty deals.

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