Thursday, December 11, 2008

music today

First song of the day: See You Soon by Coldplay. I figured if I played it first thing, maybe I'd get it out of my head. Viva La Vida now because it's more uptempo.

I don't even know what I'm going to do today. I guess I'll shower? Then listen to a couple version's of Sophisticated Lady where it's sung right?

I keep talking about the human rights thing and the political asylum apps, but I haven't done it. Getting into it, means rehashing all the misery I've been put through.

But I'll do it. I'll do it for my son, today, because I woke up to his cries. And, I know my unborn baby would want me to be happy and to move forward. I have a cross to carry and it lies inside of me. That's certainly morbid.

So, I'm listening to Sarah Vaughn's version of Sophisticated Lady and she gets it right too. She does it differently, but translates it right. And Al Jarreau, whoever that is. Well, I'm bored now, but at least I found a few examples.

Beautiful Dirty Rich. This video makes me smile. Another move I like, and she dances a lot better in this vid than in "Poker Face", is where LadyGaga first says, "Dirty Rich" and she's throwing her arms forward, in a shrug. I also like her back up dancer in this. Fun modern moves. And I like the leg banging on the piano, and that guy writing on the painting, reminds me of an asshole I used to know. LOL.

If anyone wants to bust someone who allows others to become inebriated beyond safe limits, check out Chris Warren at work.

Listened to "Take On Me" and now Sweet's a fast version by Velvet Underground. Going back to Cowboy Junkies' version. Wow. She's really pretty...I haven't seen her before. I pictured something different.

I need some coffee and then I need to work on real stuff.

Oh, by the way...Do they sell bulletproof vests at Wal-mart? lol

listened to "Umbrella" by rhianna. I started crying after using a public restroom on my way back home. Nothing. I had a nice man buy me something to eat today and encourage me to start working, but how do I work with a dead baby inside? I really don't want to work in the U.S. He said this is the best place to make it rich, and typically, maybe, that might be true. But who says I can't get rich somewhere else? I take that as a challenge.

He thought maybe in some Middle Eastern country where they'd pay me for sexual services. I don't know why he just thought there. I would never sell my body, and believe me, I've had PLENTY of opportunities to do so and I've never once been tempted. I've been totally desperate and still refused. I don't see how any country would think that's something I would do.

I honestly feel like it should be handed to me on a platter. I believe I deserve repatriation for what people in government and justice positions (some of them) have done to me and my son.

I want to be rich to get even, and get justice, and get my son and then help others. I don't have it in my heart right now, to benefit the American economy with what I could offer after what I've been robbed of.

I played by the rules. Now YOU FUCKERS fix this, and force others to play by the rules, or I prove to you and the world that I am better off without you at all. That's what I have to say about THAT.

Listening to Rhianna's "Don't Stop The Music". I so want to be in a club, dancing, when I hear this song.

Chris Brown's "With You". Sigh. This is what I needed to hear. Last night I was writing you do things for yourself and this morning I'm writing I want it on a platter. With servants dropping grapes into my mouth, my dwarves named Hotchkiss (cute little name really), Cassel, Wellbaum (big butt to go with the name), Dick (for whittemore, and he can certainly go by his FIRST name), Karin (in shackles with her children being raised by someone else), Christa (same thing, but shackled to a rack full of shoes)...lots of ideas...but needless to say, I vacillate between mercy and justice and calm and upset, but I don't care which is right or contrary, because I'm going to write how I feel in the MOMENT, because right now, in my distress, all I have are moments, and there is nothing wrong with processing all of them.

I don't know actually, why I wrote I'd want any of these people around me. I wouldn't get any satisfaction out of that. I'm not a Cinderella who wants to give the wicked a place in my palace as my wait staff and servants.

Listening to Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" again. I swear, their strongest point is their melody. It's the whole combo, but twice in a row, I've woken with their melodies in my mind. This morning, it was "See You Soon" and this afternoon, after my recent hours-long nap, "Viva La Vida".

Listening to Creed, "Take Me Higher" after writing my biological family some seriously nasty email about how I'm suing them for their contribution in having my son taken from me and standing by doing nothing, and breaking a contractual promise. Who knows. I may actually have enough to get them for backing out on a contract. I have enough email to prove there was one in place, and that I wasn't the one who backed out. Fuckers.

"One" by U2. "With or Without You". I was thinking about "Bloody Sunday" for some reason yesterday, but didn't play it. I'll play it after "With or Without You" a few times. I think "With or Without You" is the perfect wedding song. Cuz you KNOW you're going to be singing this one a lot, those nights on the couch, after the ball & chain. I can't Liiiiiiivvvvvveeee, with or without you. I would like to see a wedding, where they exchange the rings to this song, and the groom sort of flips the ring over to her, at the point where Bono sings, "My hands are tied, my body bruised/she's got me with nothing to win, and nothing left to lose" (he flips the ring over with a sigh at "nothing left to lose" and then the scene cuts to him on the couch downstairs in the house, shifting around trying to get comfortable. At the wailing "Ohhhhhh's", the family dog perks up and begins to howl along. He goes upstairs and the door is locked. He bangs on the door because the master bath is the only one working at the moment and then slumps, and goes out the window in the hallway, where a female next door neighbor sees him and decides he's a perv.

Actually though, I think that's the point of knowing who you might be able to marry. You're going to get bored of anyone and turned off at stupid habits, at some point, no matter what--what clicks is when I guess when you can keep coming back to eachother. Wow. This is a great live version. Bono is older, and listen how he sings still, and I like how he sings "How Long"--he's giving his old song a new, more questioning meaning, driving it home. And it complements his voice. Beautiful. I also didn't know what the song was written about, and this is a cool tribute and memorial. Wow. Even when he sings "no more" his voice is beautiful. and then the way he sings at the end, is like a church service anthem. But before he even gets to the end, you can tell he's singing this differently now. as a prayer. Very cool.

I know the musicians are talented, but this is an amazing sound guy too. Their sound team is crazy.
It's from a tribute to 9/11 survivors "Where The Streets Have No Name". When the guitars start, it's so pure, even as a live recording on so-so audio (from my end).

I really like Eva Cassidy's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". I discovered her looking for this song or Fields of Gold, and I like her versions on both. I've seen live clips and I don't think she's very good live, but recorded, she's wonderful. I just don't even try to listen to her live stuff, because it's not the same.

I feel sad though, listening to this. I like this other version by Jane Monheit too, it's very sensitive and understated. oooh. ouch. but she's not hitting her notes, when she starts belting it out. better sung slow and low. This is a live performance of her.

Listening to Katherine McPhee's version. It's gorgeous. Forgot about her. It's very good. I didn't like her mannerism's more than anything, when I watched that season. She was too much like this one actress who I don't like, and can't remember the name of, who was always perpetually pouting her mouth. Knew TOO WELL, how beautiful she was. Just the lips bugged me. But I like Kathrine's voice, and actually, of all the version's I've named, hers is best. In my opinion. I am watching her AI5 finale performance.

Hmmm. Changed my mind. Just heard Kylie Minogue sing it and at the first notes I almost began to cry. Katherine has a better tone, and I don't know why I like the nasal quality, but this is really a beautiful interpretation of the song. She has something special. It's weird, and contradictory, but she does. I didn't know who was singing at first. It's the first time I've heard Kylie. It's live from her Showgirls tour. I've listened to this version several times now, and am not tiring of it. It also doesn't depress me, like Cassidy's version does, but is sung with hope and there's no sadness in it.

OH, I forgot about one of my favorites--the hawaiaan guy. But I smiled when I started listening to Norah Jones' version, she does it his style, but with her voice. It's also a happier version. Her voice is very pure. She almost sounds, in this song, like she's been practicing in a Catholic boys choir. I like her falsetto but it's charming when she drops into the lower register, and she sounds very girlish there. I like her second half interpretation, like when she says, "the brightness of day, and I like the dark". My favorite part is how she breaks from falsetto to lower register. Hmmm. Now I'm reading someone posted it wrong and that it's either Connie Talbot or Aselin Debison. (the clip I heard, and I guess I've no idea who does it) I just checked on it and it's someone named Aselin Debison. I like her. She's got a pure voice, but she's spunky too. Which is why I like the second half so much. And when she sings "I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do/they're really saying "I love you"", she says it just like she's talking to you, and it makes me smile because she says it so sincerely, and I think, "that could be ME, saying that, and picturing they're all really saying "I love you," and they'd say I'm nuts!" But I really like it. From the first poof of the pipe.

Listening to "Sunrise" by Norah Jones. Another uplifting song.

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